That is, of course it takes many, many years for a woman to cultivate a smile that one suspects is there, but one can't be sure of, and which certainly disappears when scrutinised head on.
"Of course, we're in weightlessness, so a shower head with water dripping on top of your head would not work," Ms. Payette says.
Risk managers who said no put themselves on a collision course with the business head and often the chief executive too.
Of course, if you want to change those things about yourself and don't mind tackling them head-on, then studying abroad may be an ideal way to take the plunge.
Plus, of course, it's a fail-safe way to encourage children to don wellies and head outside, even when it's chucking it down: an essential bit of kit, then, on any walking holiday. Ages 7 +.
I only wish they had included a few blank cubes that we could make up our own words parts on. Of course, it would probably head right for an NC-17 rating at that point.
Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
We must keep a cool head and attempt to foster a wholesome mind on culture to pick our steps on the inevitable course of globalization.
After retirement from medical research, my wife and I built our home in a gated community surrounded by yacht clubs and golf course on Hilton Head Island.
Look over there, it's a roasted whole sparrow on a stick, head included. And of course dog meat is readily available at restaurants.
Well pulling that white strip with three lions on it, over my head of course. Pure torture for a Scotsman.
It takes just one chance to change the course of the game, a goal scored or conceded in the 92nd minute turns everything on its head.
However it is an infrequent occurrence as insights usually are and of course no insight is required on the quantitative side - the figures should hit you over the head with a baseball bat.
However it is an infrequent occurrence as insights usually are and of course no insight is required on the quantitative side - the figures should hit you over the head with a baseball bat.