Oscar put his head back down on his front PAWS and purred softly.
Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body.
I head back down to the river, passing through residential neighborhoods boasting grand houses like the one in my haunting memory.
The old man finally laid his head back down into the dirt, softly cursing, crying to himself and trying to fling a little dirt with his fingers onto the fire.
The weight of the ball causes the dragon's head to move down and the dragon's tail pulls the water bowl back up.
When you sit back down, you’ll have the clear head and fresh feeling needed to power through the tough/boring task in front of you.
Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Do not let your head touch the ground and repeat.
This means that as they head hundreds of feet up to the surface to feed each day, they're dragging along cold, nutrient-rich waters from the ocean deep, then pulling warmer streams back down.
Now take the main body part and place it head down on the table and lift up the back and place the arms in the middle like so: (a stone is holding down the top part).
She held back her skirts and turned her feet one way and her head another way as she looked down at the shiny, pointed boots.
When the head begins to heat up, yawning acts as a natural "thermostat" by allowing cool air to rush in and bring the brain back down to a healthy temperature, research suggests.
After chewing, you would tilt your head back so the food would slide down your throat.
Anyway, I was sitting there on the bench with my head down, twiddling the ring, when suddenly someone clapped me on the back.
As the goat put his head down to try the water, the fox jumped up on his back.
I tilt my head back and let the water stream down my face until I can't tell anymore where the water ends and my tears begin.
The halyard typically rises from the head of the sail to a block at the head of the mast and back down to deck level, from where it is pulled up to raise the sail.
They got half way back to town, they stopped the bus with all the workers on it, make him kneel down in the ground and they put a bullet through his head, "he said."
Slowly move the tips of your fingers around your eyes in a slow, circular motion. After a minute, move down to your mouth, then to your neck and the back of your head.
And the man next to him took his hat off his head and passed it down. (Laughter) and the man had to go back!
But they became nervous when they saw Jobs coming back down the corridor with Phil Schiller, Apple's head of marketing.
Since the shed roof sloped from 7 feet down to 5 feet, I kept bumping the 6-foot 3-inch high crown of my head on the oak rafters. Recoiling in pain, I’d scrape my back or arms on the scaly tree bark.
She ran a hand across her stubbly scalp where her hair had burned away, and felt more ants on her head, and one crawling down the back of her neck.
He has a head like a waterfall of water blue hair, down to the foot, if not his stalwart physique and broad shoulders, only to watch from the back, I would think that he is a woman.
Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.
Per your conversation with Theresa, head back to the Village and use ROPE from inventory on the well and climb down.
The engineering department head then passes the answer back down the hierarchy to the engineering functional manager.
Go down the sculpture, as if we had walked into a big garden, when spring comes, trees spit out new bud, the grass out the head, all kinds of flowers grow back.
The monitor is too low, which pulls your head and neck forward and down and puts a strain on your back.
We wanted him to go up and get a taste for what it is like at a top club like Liverpool then come back and get his head down again.
We wanted him to go up and get a taste for what it is like at a top club like Liverpool then come back and get his head down again.