In its earliest form, genius was concerned with the ability of the head of the family, the paterfamilias, to perpetuate himself.
Every mile or so, check your running form from head to toe, so you can prevent wasting energy as a result of bad form.
Bold and graphic, this combination of an elephant's body and the quotation marks that form the head are a great illustration of 'elephant Talk'.
You don’t need to join a Zendo or get a mat or learn any lotus positions, but the simplest form of meditation can really help you to be present and to get out of the worrying part of your head.
That knocks on the head an alternative explanation for coat patterns, namely that spots are some form of signal between animals of the same species.
So there's... and about 30% of the serial killers had experienced some form of rather serious head injury.
Of course, not every head-turning car in Paris is equipped with some form of high-tech trickery.
Printers recognize the form-feed character and automatically advance the print head by the required number of lines necessary to begin the next line of data on a new page.
But the structure of the protein's "head" mutates readily, allowing the virus to go undetected when it changes form.
According to Dr. Joseph Hulihan of Temple University, ice cream pain, also known as "brain freeze", is the most common form of head pain, occurring in one third of a randomly selected population.
根据Temple大学的Joseph Hulihan教授所说,冰淇淋所引致的疼痛也即“脑袋结冰”是头痛所形成的最普遍的形式,它的发病率大约占随机抽的人口里面的1/3。
Objective: To investigate the essential characters of head form of Chinese and its correlation with relative skull.
Myers is executive head of the girls’ school, the boys’ school, the sixth-form college and the community programmes, with 1, 700 pupils and 354 staff.
Belgium vs Czech Republic: Last year's runner-ups hope to continue their good form as they head out to the clay courts of Belgium.
The main superstructure takes its form from the head of a Dragon while the decks and communication tower are inspired by the dorsal crests of Dragons and beautiful Marine iguanas.
The model is placed in the head of the XHTML document containing the form, next to the title, meta tags, and anything else that belongs in the head.
Please send this form, application form (for admission to the Degree of MPhil/PhD) to the Head of Department/Director of School for completion of Section 10.
The spark plug must form a good seal inside the cylinder head to avoid leakage of without the high-tension current shorting-out.
One can see that much of the attachment into Regan's form occurred in the head, which is why the brain deteriorated so after his term in office.
The slightly curved cabriole legs are adorned with gilt reliefs of a woman's head attached to an animal body, and the feet are fashioned in ormolu in the form of claws.
Reason 5: Has blue-green, rotund, and semi-crystal keys. What's more, the left and right function keys and the navigation key combined form the head of cute Mickey.
The purpose of your paper is to convey your idea form your head to your reader's head .
They are placed under the head-end of a mattress to raise the mattress to form a backrest.
The program of improving the mixing form was proposed through the corrosion analysis of the head at the bottom of esterification reactors.
The section at the back of the hat represents a 'caul', a form of head-dress covering the hair and hung down over the neck.
The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon's effigy (the god is worshipped in a human-looking form, as shown in the picture above) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded.
Actually the idea had first floated into his head in the form of a vision of the glass paper weight mirrored by the surface of the gateleg table.
Your red lips are like a bright thread, and your mouth is fair of form; the sides of your head are like pomegranate fruit under your veil.
Your red lips are like a bright thread, and your mouth is fair of form; the sides of your head are like pomegranate fruit under your veil.