It is also still too early to forecast the impact of pictorial health warning (PHW) labels.
She will push for a Kitemark or health warning on airbrushed photographs, warning viewers that they are not real.
Meanwhile, CSPI has asked the Federal Trade Commission to require a health warning inads for olestra-containing products.
According to Swedish scientists, quoted in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently, pro longed sitting should carry a public health warning.
They said that most of the packs did not even carry the Urdu health warning while the regulations prohibiting consumer promotions are also being blatantly violated.
An online coffee firm have invented what they claim is the world's strongest coffee - which contains 200 per cent more caffeine and comes with its own health warning.
Clearly, league tables must always come with a health warning as they never tell the whole story, but these rankings provide a useful indicator of international trends.
In Japan, the global leader in high-tech toilet design, the latest restroom marvel should come with a health warning for hypochondriacs - it doubles as a medical lab that can really spoil your day.
We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.
Nevertheless, when we are annoyed or made irritable by noise, we should consider these symptoms fair warning that other things may be happening to us, some of which may be damaging to our health.
When we are annoyed or made irritable by noise, we should consider these symptoms fair warning that other thing may be happening to us, some of which may be damaging to our health.
Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers.
On every packet of cigarettes, people are warned against the dangers of smoking: "Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health."
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been correctly warning for months that if swine flu spreads to the poorest parts of the world, it could cull hundreds of thousands of people -- or more.
It says it is very important to establish early warning systems and to help nations strengthen their health systems.
The pictures depict more grotesque health effects than the smaller labels recommended in the United States, including one showing a fetus with the warning that smoking can cause spontaneous abortion.
Now researchers have developed a similar-style early warning system for the public health of an entire region.
This prompted the FDA to issue a warning about potential health risks associated with electronic cigarettes.
Quit executive director Fiona Sharkie said today the study was a further warning to smokers they were endangering their health.
European health experts have said other European countries should see the severe flu hitting Britain at the moment as a warning of what might be coming to them soon.
The panel recommended a general warning, such as "Alcohol is not good for your health", be placed on labels as part of a wider national public health campaign.
"The fact that a Sylvia Plath may die young does not necessarily mean an Introduction to Poetry class should carry a warning that poems may be hazardous to one's health, " he said.
Because it is analyzing the chemical composition of the wine or food placed before it, it can also alert its owner to possible health issues, gently warning against fatty or salty products.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods -even if you also exercise regularly -could be bad for your health.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods -even if you also exercise regularly -could be bad for your health.