The more colorful foods you consume, the healthier you will be.
The more you go jogging, the longer you will run and the healthier you will feel.
From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be.
This day should be the start of a new, healthier you, so set yourself up for success by avoiding your previous pitfalls.
Likewise the faster you let go of an issue that upsets you, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be.
Likewise the faster you let to of an issue that upsets yu, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be.
Likewise the faster you let go of an issue that upsets you, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be.
The message is crystal clear – if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.
The good news is, you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.
If cycling each day can make you healthier, why not commit yourself to it and have a better life?
If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may prevail, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.
If you keep doing sports, you will be much healthier than before.
Getting enough sleep at night allows us to keep our heart health. You will have a healthier heart if you can get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
All you have to do is replace the unhealthy food with healthier alternatives - and you almost always get to enjoy more of the healthy food.
Paying attention to the small print -- most importantly, the ingredients list -- can help you make healthier choices.
It is not so buried in trees, 'I replied,' and it is not quite so large, but you can see the country beautifully all round; and the air is healthier for you — fresher and dryer.
So not only do dogs start conversations, they may also make you healthier.
However, even some old favorites can be healthier choices - once you know the nutrition facts of your favorite items, you'll be able to make better decisions.
When you combine healthier eating with exercise your body will respond favorably and the stress levels will start to decrease.
The most intriguing reason why conscientious people live longer is that having a conscientious personality leads you into healthier situations and relationships.
The plus side: You're likely to save a lot of money and enjoy healthier drinks if you stick with doing it yourself.
You will also learn new and healthier ways of coping so that you will be prepared to deal with future problems when they arise.
The only obstacle between you and a healthier, fitter and more attractive you is you.
My hope is that you'll take time to reflect on whether you could be healthier by forgiving someone who has hurt you or by receiving the forgiveness that God has for you.
That makes you healthier and more energetic.
This simple mobile app helps you make healthier seafood choices by informing you how much mercury exposure you risk from eating specific types and amounts of fish and shellfish.
A healthier nation starts with you.
"There is a ton of research that suggest that having more friends makes you healthier," Fowler said.
It won't make you healthier or happier.
If you want to get healthier, there's only one way to do it, you have to become enticed by working-out and eating right.