Heap Sort has the additional benefit of being quite consistent in its speed, so it is useful in programs where timing is crucial (i. e. networks).
For example, if there were an excessive amount of sorting such that the sort heap spilled to disk, performance would suffer.
Sorts that start after the sort heap threshold has been reached may not receive an optimum amount of memory to execute.
The typical consumer of agent private memory is the sort heap memory that is used by the agent to sort rows during query execution.
Ideally, you should set the sort heap threshold (SHEAPTHRES) parameter to a reasonable multiple of the largest SORTHEAP parameter you have in your database manager instance.
You can use the snapshot report to derive information such as the buffer pool hit ratio, amount of sort heap overflows, and the system workload.
Information about system configuration can include the size of the buffer pool, the sort heap, and more.
It works the same way for sort heap, as we'll see in the sort heap section below.
If the sorted data cannot fit entirely into the sort heap, which is a block of memory that is allocated each time a sort is performed, it overflows into a temporary table owned by the database.
Each sort has a separate sort heap that is allocated as needed, by the database manager.
Tune the federated system for local processing in the areas of application heap, statement heap, buffer pool, sort heap, and temp tablespace.
Examples of operations that use the sort heap include hash joins and operations where the table is in memory.
The sort heap size is used by the optimizer in determining access paths.
If directed by the optimizer, a smaller sort heap than the one specified by this parameter is allocated using information provided by the optimizer.
Always keep the threshold high enough to fulfill the total sort heap required by all the applications, if not application request for a piped sort will be rejected.
Sort - Amount of heap used, overflows and sorts performed.
The Sort heap Threshold (sheapthres, sheapthres_shr).
排序堆的阈值(sheapthres, sheapthres_shr)。
It includes stack and heap information about the thread. Sort pool is used for following operations.
If the value of Post threshold sorts ratio is high, you should either increase the sort heap threshold (sheapthres), or adjust applications to use fewer or smaller sorts via SQL query changes.
Tuning the sort heap threshold (sortheapthres).
If the value of Piped sorts ratio is low, you should consider increasing the sort heap threshold (sheapthres) for better sort performance.
As we have mentioned earlier, the agent private memory includes several memory pools such as the application heap size, sort heap size and statement heap size. (See Figure 1).
Post threshold sorts is the number of sorts that have requested heaps after the sort heap threshold has been exceeded.
阈值后排序(Post thresholdsort)是在超出排序堆阈值之后,请求堆的排序数目。
She scraped together the dead leaves till she had formed them into a large heap, making a sort of nest in the middle.
She scraped together the dead leaves till she had formed them into a large heap, making a sort of nest in the middle.