Her heart was thumping as she ascended the stairs.
Simply imagining a spider crawling across your shoulders can cause sweating and rapid heart thumping.
The laughter that had been worming in Carmen Elcira vanished and was replaced by a vigorous thumping that was most definitely emanating from her heart.
There, in the soft, warm darkness, the baby hears bubbling noises from the mother's stomach when she's been eating, and the gentle thumping of her heart.
And as long as that rat heart kept thumping, the boas kept tightening their coils and applying bursts of pressure, sometimes for more than 20 minutes.
If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, taking yohimbine can be dangerous as it gets your heart thumping and your blood pumping.
Then it was loud. Heart- thumping, pulse-racing loud. The Jazz, left for dead and plummeting quickly into an early, disappointing offseason just a few minutes earlier, roared back.
My voice was steady and cool. Not like my heart, thumping inside me, Not like my mind, bitter and resentful.
Scientists have recently found that there are two brain pathways involved how we perceive our own thumping heart.
Scientists have recently found that there are two brain pathways involved how we perceive our own thumping heart.