Look at the rugged scenery: the slabs of purple clouds hanging over the maple and oak leaves - some gold some red as a heart.
Look at the rugged scenery: the slabs of purple clouds hanging over the maple and oak leaves - some gold, some red as a heart.
Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.
Long, long afterwards, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.
We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the trailing leg.
We planted large oak trees around the edge of the heart then decided to put a hedge around it too.
A devoted farmer from South Gloucestershire created a heart-shaped meadow as a tribute to his late wife — by planting thousands of oak trees, the Daily Telegraph reported.
This beautiful and moving story follows the first year in the life of a lone evergreen tree growing in the heart of the ancient oak woodland of the New Forest.
This beautiful and moving story follows the first year in the life of a lone evergreen tree growing in the heart of the ancient oak woodland of the New Forest.