I draw the trifling issue of a few billion fatalities to your attention not to make you look like a heartless fascist but because it's a reality with which you refuse to engage.
Nobody owes you anything in them. Not that they're purposely heartless, it's just that everyone is excited and wants to talk, and they'd rather it be them than you.
Slaughterhouses whose activities are so heartless and barbaric that a single visit can leave you traumatized for life.
No one calls you and a word of information at the mobile phone, I scold you, is heartless.
Once you are promoted to a high and noble position, you will be confronted with heartless criticism at once.
Rhett: you're a heartless creature, but that's part of your charm. You know you've got more charm than the law allows.
Make you cry to tore heart crack lung of that person, is your favorite person. Make you laugh to heartless man, is the person who love you.
Tong Tin Ho, you heartless guy, I couldn't kill you.
Lyrics: Why are you so heartless like this?
You steal children's heart for medical experiment. You deceive mums to hold a heartless funeral.
Cried, the disaster to be heartless sad, the human felt emotion! You are China are most attractive the bravest girl! After hoping your plague, the life is safe!
Is the time lets you be weary? The heartless floodgate must indulge you? Enable me only to give you to select the spot to warm and to see you satisfy are also eliminated.
Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little I am soulless and heartless?
Feared You Meeting Repeatedly Heartless Injury deceit, My that Weak Heart.
Right, now that you brand me as heartless, cruel, headstrong, I'll show u what heartless, cruel, headstrong is!
看吧 还说你不无情 不残酷 不无理取闹现在完全展现你无情 残酷 无理取闹的一面了吧。
You think because I'm poor and obscure and plain and soulless and heartless?
Watching this one lost loved ones in the disaster, the distraught people's photographs, the majority of the "architect" who you are so heartless that.
Do you think I'm poor, obscure, plain, and so little, I'm soulless and heartless? You think wrong!
Do you think I'm poor, obscure, plain, and so little, I'm soulless and heartless? You think wrong!