The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer.
If left unchecked heat trapping emission such as carbon dioxide, CO2, are projected to cause dangerous global warming that threatens our health and environment.
Other fuels such as wood, biomass, shredded tires and sludge are also candidates, depending on their percentage of heat input, moisture content and emission requirements.
The use of vibrant colors on the facades serves as a reflector to control heat emission and sunlight stream.
It withstands the stress of higher horsepower, higher heat and complicated emission control systems.
Stress relaxation has been observed on the nanoscale, which attributes to heat activated dislocation emission and motion.
High temperature air combustion (HTAC) is a new combustion technology, which can save fuel, enhance the heat efficiency, decrease emission of NOX and reduce the size of equipment.
Final, the emissions of waste heat boiler and the used method of the controlling relative emission are described.
The optimum buffer gas pressure for LIF emission increases with the temperature of the heat pipe oven.
The field emission characteristics of zinc oxide nanowires grown on the tungsten tips and the influence of heat treatment on their field emission properties were discussed in the thesis.
Introduced a heat calculation method and design method of the heat emission structure for a wind cool chamber power station.
The carbon dioxide emission sources of a refinery are typically widely distributed and large amounts of carbon dioxide will be emitted in the processes of supplying heat, steam and electricity.
Testing results for effects of high range water reducing agent on hydration temperature elevation, heat emission and strength of the concrete were presented.
The heat pipe failure, lower heating air temperature, higher flue gas emission of the furnace in operation are analyzed and improvement measures are suggested.
Aim To study the effects of different dispersers and heat-treatment under different plasma atmospheres on field emission current and threshold value electric field.
Promotion of added side withdrawing technology and heat pump recovery process for energy conservation and emission reduction of the prefractionator is made.
The excessive air coefficient, flue gas emission temperature and fuel consumption are three major factors affecting the heat efficiency of the furnace.
On the basis of above studies, this paper presents some ideas to decrease the air spindle's heat-up and increase spindle's heat emission.
The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries. However, Kamen's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat.
This paper poses, based on exergic analysis of vinyl chloride synthesis, the concept of scaling factor of heat emission exergy value.
At the different environmental gas pressure, spatial emission intensity distribution is explained by the competition among "heat reservoir effect", "confined effect" and "shadow effect".
By making use of properties of low voltage heat emission, rapid heat emission and high heat efficiency of the heat emitting soft coat, the clothes is capable of heating.
The inventive air storage groove can improve the pressurize effect of airflow, to improve the heat emission ability.
In the refrigerator, heat emission of the machine room and the condenser is sufficiently performed, and a compact configuration of the machine room is implemented.
Thermostatic type trap large undercooling, low emission pool water Redu, the use of low-temperature condensed water can be enough sensible heat, energy-saving motive is good.
The warm water vapour in upper space and the heat quantity in upper water are transmitted into lower cool water through bend tubes and heat emission pipes.
The thesis has analysed the influence of the structure and parameters of decorative covers on heat emission.
Through the calculation for the calorific capacity and the heat dissipating capacity of the hydraulic system, draw the system's calorific value below the heat emission value;
Through the calculation for the calorific capacity and the heat dissipating capacity of the hydraulic system, draw the system's calorific value below the heat emission value;