Shenwu puts up the initial investment to install a heat exchanger that preheats the air going into the furnace, slashing the client's fuel costs.
Part of this system includes a rear door heat exchanger that can extract 60% of the heat generated by the servers themselves.
Finding ways to boost the temperature of heat exchanger fluids would raise operating efficiency, too.
The letdown heat exchanger reduces letdown fluid temperature to a value that is compatible with the ion exchanger resin.
Chiller and heat exchanger equipment should be designed to operate at the highest anticipated.
The new type of all-welded plate & shell heat exchanger combining the advantages of plate, shell & pipe heat exchanger has been applied in industry and shipbuilding.
The breech lock closure type heat exchanger is characterized by reliable sealing performance, easy dismantling and assembling, high utilization ratio of heat exchange area and small grounding.
The property of arteriole as a "resistant vessel" and the efficiency of microvascular network as heat exchanger are also shown.
Common heat exchanger models are based on the theories of line heat source and column heat source.
Therefore, the influence of centrifugal buoyancy on the heat transfer performance of tube-shell heat exchanger with swirling flow was not negligible.
These are cooled in a heat-exchanger, from where some is fed to the cabin and the excess expelled.
Compressed air from frozen type of dryer air pressure points and the efficiency of the heat exchanger cleansing, separator filter efficiency, or condensation and moderate drainage operation of the.
On the other hand, cryogenic compressed air in the heat exchanger temperature rise, so that the exhaust pipe is not caused by low temperature and dewing phenomenon.
This paper introduces the structure, performance, key point of design and operation results of external heat exchanger in CFB boiler.
An accumulation of Marine organism deposits on a submerged metal surface. Fouling also refers to the accumulation of normally inorganic deposits on heat exchanger tubing.
All measures to improve the complex heat transfer coefficient are discussed in detail together with the improvement of the existing heat exchanger and development of new types.
Control circuit through the loading or unloading coolant compressor and make the air-freeze agent in the heat exchanger compressed air temperature constant.
In the condenser, which is a large surface-type heat exchanger, the steam is condensed by transferring its latent heat of vaporization to the cooling water (CW).
Heat flow bypass valve through the heat and cold coolant of coolant mixed to make the air-freeze agent in the heat exchanger coolant temperature constant.
The refrigerant leaves the compressor as a hot, dense vapor and flows through a heat exchanger called the condenser, which transfers heat from the refrigerant to a body of air.
The pollution of the raw gold ore roasting system has resolved successfully after re-design and modification on the other hand the usage of heat exchanger reduces the coal consumption.
Internal heat exchanger, the heat generated by cooling water system in cooling tower in the air emissions.
This requires a water temperature-control system, usually consisting of a water pump, filter, heat exchanger, and valving to control chilled water input.
The principle, functions, and validation test results of a simplified heat-exchanger model have been briefly described.
Using passive house principles, the structure is heavily insulated, as air-tight as possible and employs a high-efficiency heat exchanger to maximize energy efficiency.
Seal cover over the heat exchanger airtight with butyl adhesive.
Reaction engines is focusing on a critical piece of technology called a heat exchanger, needed to rapidly cool the air before it can be used by the spaceplane's engines.
Carefully examine the internal structure of the heat exchanger, specially the area with the drain holes.
Carefully examine the internal structure of the heat exchanger, specially the area with the drain holes.