Some experts say there are still good reasons to believe cheap oil should heat up the world economy.
Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.
Are you ever annoyed by POTS that take forever to heat up, or frustrated by waiting for dry foods to soften?
When we stopped by the side of the road to heat up leftover spaghetti on our way to Phnom Penh, a group of children gathered and stared at us.
In a new insulation being developed by EPRI, nanoparticles sensitive to this shift heat up and melt surrounding polymer molecules, forming a fresh protective scar.
Think layers of technical fabrics, to wick sweat, with zippers at the neck and underarm area to vent air as you heat up.
This version would heat up about 3 to 4 times slower than that, but it can easily heat up the 45 gallons to a good shower temperature by noon or so.
Beyond warming the atmosphere, black carbon can also speed the melting of glaciers by literally turning them black - soot on snow makes the ice heat up faster.
When confronted by a rattlesnake, squirrels' tails heat up, getting hotter by almost four degrees Fahrenheit.
The power station at Chena USES the spring water to heat up R134a, a fluid hitherto employed mainly as a refrigerant.
位于契那的发电厂使用温泉水加热一种如今广泛使用的制冷剂——R134a [5]。
Three decades ago, he helped create one of the world's first climate models to predict how the Earth would heat up in response to rising greenhouse gases.
When property prices heat up, they change the rules: restricting loan-to-value ratios or raising the tax on home sales as they recently did with more expensive properties.
If the one about the size of England were covered with solar thermal mirrors (which heat up fluid to drive a turbine), it could supply all the world's electricity needs, he said.
As the rods heat up, their zirconium cladding can rupture, which releases gaseous radioactive iodine inside, and may even cause the uranium to melt and release much more radioactive material.
The normal electric water heater is about 5, 000 watts but it can heat up 50 gallons in a relatively short time.
常规电热水器的功率通常为5 000瓦,但是它能够在相应短的时间里加热50加仑的水。
The United States may be experiencing one of the coldest winters in decades, but things continue to heat up in the Southern Hemisphere.
More light generates more power, but as more power is generated the cells heat up, which reduces their efficiency.
As the black hole feeds, the gas and dust heat up and spray out X-rays, as illustrated by the white rays.
This process, known as pyrolysis, creates rather than consumes energy, as more combustible gases are released than are needed to heat up the kiln.
Roofs and roads cover about half of that land, and help heat up urban areas by preventing evaporation of water and absorbing sunlight.
And, with no action at all, the planet could even heat up by 5-7c by the end of this century - and more thereafter.
In a new picture, hundreds of young, bright stars heat up the gases of the Triangulum galaxy, creating a distinctive red glow.
A spicy drink might seem counter-intuitive when temperatures heat up, but spicy foods actually help your body regulate its temperature. This ginger cooler will do the trick nicely!
When the head begins to heat up, yawning acts as a natural "thermostat" by allowing cool air to rush in and bring the brain back down to a healthy temperature, research suggests.
Though the oceans heat up more slowly than the land, higher temperatures are already causing them to expand.
Tensions started to heat up in recent weeks, as a Vietnamese oil exploration vessel dragged a Chinese fishing boat in the disputed territory, endangering the lives of Chinese fishermen.
They use a magnetic field to heat up pans, bring water to a boil in half the time it takes now, and allow for slow cooking.
Those bubbles arise because the thin sticker film expands at a different rate than the window glass when they both heat up.
The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.
The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.