Took a long time running of the machine, shall not be used directly touch the hand module of heat sink and other heating device, lest burns.
Due to its outstanding heat transfer capacity and compact structure, the microchannel heat sink is the best choice for cooling of high-power electron device with small volume.
Provided is an electronic apparatus capable of also supplying sufficient air flow to a heat generating device other than the heat sink.
This paper presents the making of a heating device, which can be used to replace the heating of oil sink or water sink in the experiment of measuring heat-sensitive resistance temperature coefficient.
The heat pipe of the present invention has high heat conducting efficiency, and is suitable for application in the heat sink for electronic device.
Solder film manufacturing method, heat sink furnished with solder film, and semiconductor-device-and-heat-sink junction.
Solder film manufacturing method, heat sink furnished with solder film, and semiconductor-device-and-heat-sink junction.