The utility model relates to a heat radiator tube laying device for a water tank of a vehicle.
By adopting the technical scheme, the heat radiator has smaller volume and better heat-radiation effect.
The present invention discloses a kind of nano water anticorrosive paint for inside of the steel heat radiator.
All the circulating water heater, heat radiator, circulating pump and water replenishing system are contained together via pipeline.
With the increasing demand for the cooling of electronic chips, the micro heat pipe with the sintered wick has become an ideal heat radiator.
The invention relates to a heat radiator used for a power unit module, which comprises a mounting plate (1), a heat pipe (2) and heat radiation fins (3);
The utility model discloses an improved modular power unit, which mainly comprises a shell, a heat radiator, a large power device and a control circuit board.
The heat radiation body of the heat radiator of the invention can realize uniform die sinking, and can not generate waste cut materials, so the cost is effectively reduced.
This is the same arrangement found in an old-fashioned steam radiator, in which the coiled pipes pass heat back and forth as water courses through them.
A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.
Heat radiates from the heating radiator and spreads to every corner of the room.
The heat, which they couldn’t control, was still on, the radiator wastefully knocking and hissing.
The solution pumps hot water from a power plant through underground pipes to heat exchangers which heat up water in the secondary distribution network and feed it into consumer radiator systems.
The hot pavement then throws some of the heat back into the air, like a radiator inside a house.
All right, Madam. It's Ok. There is hardly any water in the radiator. It's dangerous, Madam! You could break down because of the heat, you know.
We get heat from the heater core, sort of a secondary radiator, which is part of the car's cooling system.
In total heat of radiator, convection heat radiation accounts for about 61%, and radiant heat is about 39%.
If I put the shelves near the radiator, the heat might warp them.
In summer, each square metre of glass in direct sun can allow as much heat in as would be produced by a single bar radiator.
From the using point of view, the main technical performance to appraise the heat transfer performance of automobile radiator includes heat transfer performance, air resistance and water resistance.
Stirling cooler must reject twice as much heat as an Otto - or Diesel-engine radiator.
The biggest merit of water-cooling system is transferring heat to radiator without decreasing the temperature in the machine box, but cooling computer component with liquid.
The heat dissipation assessment of radiator needs both drawdown flow curve and heat exchange flow curve.
Adopts the floor panel heating system, radiator heating system and air conditioning heating system with heat recovery device in winter.
Hardware products: electronic radiator, power radiator, computer radiator, LED heat sink, aluminum housing and a variety of metal stamping parts and other products.
A hot attic ACTS like a giant radiator, transferring heat into your living Spaces, sending both utility bills and temperatures soaring.
This paper analyzes the skirting board and window sill radiator's heating function, and compares the quantity of heat between it and long wing radiator.
The heat produced by car ignition climbs up through cylinder walls and will then be absorbed by the radiator coolant.
The heat produced by car ignition climbs up through cylinder walls and will then be absorbed by the radiator coolant.