When Ph.D. student Quentin Willot removed the hair from an ant with a tiny knife and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.
And clearly, many different types of fuel assemblies, as you will see a BWR and PWR fuel assemblies are different and all heat that is generated in that one fuel pin needs to be removed.
Air circulation carries product heat and the heat which penetrates the walls, floors, and ceiling of the trailer to the refrigeration unit where it can be removed.
Fortunately, the radioactivity of spent fuel—and therefore its ability to generate heat—drops fairly rapidly in the first few days and weeks after it is removed from the core.
The strips were later removed from the solution and heated in an oven. The heat changes the cotton fibers into carbon fibers, which react with the boron solution and produce boron carbide.
Heat damage generally is removed by carefully machining the base metal. Afterward, another temper etch inspection is done to ensure that the machining did not create more heat damage.
While technicians took core samples of the spacecraft's heat shield around that time, in February Orion's back shell and heat shield were removed for further testing.
These products may be ordered with the organic binding agents already removed by heat treating following the manufacturing process.
The battery is very sensitive to the heat, the phone often overheating will damage the battery. If the battery is overheating during charging, the power should be removed immediately.
The patent pending proprietary material Minx is made of can be easily removed with heat by either the manicurist or the client.
Removed from the circuit board through-hole components via multi pin component and the large heat capacity is quite troublesome, such as transformer, connector.
Discoloration of the enamel, primer, or chrome or evidence of cadmium damage on the inner diameter of the axle may require the heat-damaged component be removed from service.
But enough remains in the engine to cause serious trouble unless removed by some other means. The cooling system takes care of this additional heat.
但是,残留在发动机中的余热仍足以使发动机受到严重损坏,除非用其它的方法排除这些余热。冷却系统就是专门用来消除余热的。 收藏。
Air conditioner in refrigeration (hot) operation unit within the time from an airtight room removed from the heat, the statutory measurement unit W (watts).
Also, dielectric was removed from the edges of PWBs using a carbon dioxide laser to expose the CIC for attachment of a heat transfer connector.
In most cases, in-line heat exchangers (excluding plate and frame design) and small filter housings (filter elements removed) are left in place and flowed through.
Indoor air heat exchanger is made up of preheat exchanger and secondary heat exchanger, and removed wet compression for compressor.
Place the pot onto your cooking appliance and heat. When the coffee has ceased flowing, the percolator should be removed from the heat.
The effluent product in the reactor goes to the main fractionator where the heat is removed in its various pump-around loops and initial product separation is accomplished.
Most of the energy input (80% to 90%) is converted to heat and must be removed by some form of cooling.
Liquid will vaporize to replace the gas that was removed, absorbing the heat of vaporization from the remaining liquid and the container.
The experiments showed that its heat accumulation amount is clearly decreased, the crack defect is almost removed, and its entirety Performance is excellent.
Fouling produced in VC manufacturing process make the efficiency of heat exchanger reduced. A suitable cleaning agent was developed, with which the fouling could be efficiently removed.
Sterilization of the packaging material is achieved by way of a hydrogen peroxide rinse, and any residue is removed with heat.
The results show that large amount of surface heat load can be removed even by stationary free surface liquid lithium target plate due to rapid evaporation.
The heat load was dramatically increased when the slag skull was removed and the stave was disappeared.
The heat load was dramatically increased when the slag skull was removed and the stave was disappeared.