Apart from that, the process of heating up naturally occurring materials to transform them is the same.
While Spain as a whole is heating up quickly, temperatures near the greenhouses have decreased.
From Alaska to the snowy peaks of the Andes the world is heating up right now, and fast.
A nuclear reactor produces electricity by heating up the radioactive material in its core, which then heats water to produce steam. That steam is used to turn turbines that produce electricity.
Black holes are thought to do this by heating up and blasting away the gas that fuels star formation.
Cancer treatments usually involve powerful drugs or radiation. But heating up the tumor - hyperthermia - can also be part of the therapy.
During the day, energy is stored by heating up large tanks of molten salt composed of a mixture of 60 percent potassium nitrate and 40 percent sodium nitrate.
With chipmakers trying to muscle in on each other's territory, competition in the industry is suddenly heating up.
Blowers move helium gas through the reactor and over the pebbles, where nuclear fission releases large amounts of energy, heating up the helium.
All that gas buoys up through the sediments and into the ocean, heating up the deep waters.
The researchers then successively flashed the pictures before the subjects, while heating up a computer-controlled thermal stimulator placed in the palm of their hand to cause mild pain.
Avoid heating up the house with the stove and brew your tea in the sun instead!
Because global warming is heating up the sea, local fisheries are expected to see their business drop.
Every day your neighbor's SUV is spewing carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air, trapping the sun's radiation and heating up the atmosphere.
The U.S. has been heating up pressure for an early resolution, but some experts say such attempts will only backfire.
We’re going to pay for it later as the rising cost of polluting our earth and heating up our climate comes to collect its toll.
Now, with the Copenhagen Conference heating up, I should also mention China’s role in the global fight against climate change.
The resulting landscape, being darker, would have absorbed more sunlight, heating up the air above the Earth's surface.
Ice reflects solar radiation back into space and therefore helps to prevent the Earth heating up.
With many states slashing school budgets, competition for open teaching jobs is heating up, and your resume needs to show every possible advantage.
Competition is heating up as operators in Latin America, where growth is now slowing, look to new markets in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Santa Ana winds, which whip dry air from the desert plateau westwards and downwards into southern California, heating up as they descend, were blowing uncommonly fast.
That's good news for now - it means the planet isn't heating up quite as fast as it could.
Competition over the deep real time search space has got to be heating up for all the players, though.
Competition over the deep real time search space has got to be heating up for all the players, though.