One is a heightened awareness of the risks of subcontracting.
A heightened awareness of risk will affect clients' relationships with the Banks themselves.
There was a heightened awareness of each sunny day, the beautiful of flowers, the song of the bird.
Your thoughts can easily lead you into a maze of paranoia and put you into a very uncomfortable state of heightened awareness.
Once you have had a difficulty your concentration moves to the moment where your heightened awareness allows you to appreciate every small detail.
Remember your heightened awareness will serve you, your dependants and your communities as these momentous times progress. Use this opportunity wisely.
With the heightened awareness of data types in 2.0, incoming parameters might need to be cast into a particular type in order to be useful in the template.
Heightened awareness in the hamlets, supported by the presence of well-equipped teams, has led to the presentation of additional persons for medical evaluation.
These reports have led to heightened awareness of the risk of human cases and a higher level of clinical suspicion when patients present with respiratory symptoms.
With a heightened awareness of Rotary's potential, let us enter our second century of service prepared to take on new challenges and go the distance until they are met.
Then, with the help of a spiritually heightened awareness, he was able to focus on those particular facts that would help him to see, in a metaphorical sense, the future.
Moreover, this industry is experiencing tremendous growth because of the lower cost basis of products combined with a heightened awareness of the protection of the environment.
Although globalization has heightened awareness of the need for translation, it has not led to the recognition of the professional nature of the activity and the rights of its practitioners.
Those who have been there describe an almost mystical experience that results in, among other things, increased confidence, heightened awareness, total concentration, and near-effortless movement.
Stress in the short term enables us to perform well under pressure as the body rises to a challenge with heightened levels of focus, strength, stamina and awareness.
Times are changing, and global awareness (actually, a large morphic field) is gradually being heightened.
This is the heightened state of awareness we hope to communicate.
A raised threshold forces visitors into a heightened state of awareness as they enter the area, mimicking those found in shrines and temples.
While starving yourself to achieve heightened spiritual awareness is plain dangerous, taking a 'mindful' approach to weight loss can help.
More intriguing, the musicians also showed heightened sensory awareness.
Numerous studies that have been done by prominent researchers heightened learners' awareness of LLS use and intensified understanding of factors affecting LLS choice.
Numerous studies that have been done by prominent researchers heightened learners' awareness of LLS use and intensified understanding of factors affecting LLS choice.