To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan.
This effect is further heightened by the addition of abstract animation sequences, which serve to prompt the viewer into questioning the reality of what they are seeing.
In addition, we expect managers of public companies to have a heightened focus on share prices and therefore a greater concern for reported accounting Numbers that reflect economic reality.
Unfortunately these concerns have become a reality as the heightened security measures taken on both sides of the mountain have prevented climbers from ascending the mountain.
在祝福中国珠峰传递的火炬手一路平安顺利之外, 我们为在此期间未能攀登珠峰的登山者们感到遗憾。
Unfortunately these concerns have become a reality as the heightened security measures taken on both sides of the mountain have prevented climbers from ascending the mountain.
在祝福中国珠峰传递的火炬手一路平安顺利之外, 我们为在此期间未能攀登珠峰的登山者们感到遗憾。