It is not uncommon to cut hands for stealing and behead someone for more heinous crimes.
The report details the british prisoners in iraq at that time made a series of heinous crimes.
When we are graphically exposed to heinous crimes no TV, how can the children not be desensitized?
Mean girl Penelope has already committed many, many heinous crimes with her ice-blue LG Chocolate 3.
Recently released, it will show the world the brutality of the Japanese shameless and heinous crimes commit...
One of the more heinous crimes perpetrated by Microsoft is the introduction of the verb "to architect" into English.
Microsoft所犯的更可恶罪行之一是将动词“to architect ”引入到英语。
Recently released, it will show the world the brutality of the Japanese shameless and heinous crimes committed.
If a mistake was pretty, I have make a big mistake if the crime is a smart, I have committed heinous crimes, Zhennan life!
There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary, but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes.
There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary, but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes.
Some, especially those who imitate particularly heinous or disruptive crimes, covet the fame the initial offender gained.
Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation.
Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation.