They have also set up football clubs and held many ball games to make the children's life colorful.
Miss Davidson, who admitted that she was "looking forward to my first legal drink", will be the guest of honour tomorrow at a charity ball which is being held to mark her coming of age.
The equivalent of a blanket in the human experiment was a ball held in the mouth of a dog which was being observed (dogs often use their mouths to manipulate things).
In further experiments, each woman held either the hand of her boyfriend, the hand of a male stranger or a squeeze ball.
When stopped by the police, he complained of being tired and dropped the sack, which held the ball.
The volunteers who held hands "reported less physical pain than when they were holding a stranger's hand or a ball while receiving the same amount of heat stimulation".
Step 2: Rebound Catch the basketball at its highest point when it comes off the rim. Keep the basketball held solidly between your hands keeping the ball high above your head.
抢篮板 当篮球磕筐而出,达到最高点时,双手举过头顶,将皮球紧紧抓在双手之间。
The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
But now she saw her sweetheart coming through the crowd, and he held over his head in the air her own golden ball; so she said.
There were no dribbles, no forward runs from midfield, no one getting in advance of the ball from central areas, and no overloading as players held their ground.
One day, my mom cut a rim off an old water barrel and then held it up for me to throw an old rubber ball through.
One day, my mom cut a rim off an old water barrel and then held it up for me to throw an old rubber Ball through.
He held out his palm and conjured a small ball that glowed with blue faerie fire.
Torres was in electrifying form, even defying the weather conditions that forced the ball to be held up in the penalty area to score his first goal in 732 minutes as a Chelsea player.
If, for instance, you have a ball held up in the air by a blast of air, it is floating on air.
For instance, teams of blind children can enjoy fast -moving games of soccer with a bell inside the ball and a new hand -held ultrasonic device to guide them.
The problem with ball point pens is that they need to be held at an upright elevation in order to function.
The boys asked him to join them in their game of ball, but he held aloof.
The life in summer camp is colorful, visited the museum, played ball game with the local students, held a party and so on.
2: The Price :A royal ball is held in Camelot, but a dark turn of events forces David and Robin to take action.
Shawna squinted into the bright sky until the spinning circle appeared, as tiny as a golf ball, she held her breath as it got closer and closer.
Welbeck, who excelled all evening, held the ball up before crossing into the Latics' area, where a slip from Pearson allowed Martin to prod in from close range.
Welbeck, who excelled all evening, held the ball up before crossing into the Latics' area, where a slip from Pearson allowed Martin to prod in from close range.