Research shows that, it is suitable for rotor dynamics, dynamic analysis of helicopter rotor blades fuselage systems and piping systems contained flow fluid.
Then there's increasing the number of rotor blades. This helps because each additional blade carries less of the weight of the helicopter, and thus produces less noise.
But unlike an aircraft, when a helicopter is flying forwards the air passing over its rotor blades does so at different speeds.
When the helicopter began getting away from the pilot he pulled back on the cyclic which controls the pitch of the rotor blades only to find the aircraft unresponsive.
By the end of 1979, We had produced the full scale forming die of the composite rotor blades of Y-2 type helicopter. The results of the NC machining show that this method is successful.
What limits the speed of a helicopter is the same thing that allows it to hover-the air flowing over its spinning rotor blades.
Dynamic characteristics of composite rotor blades of Y-2 type helicopter are studied.
Dynamic characteristics of composite rotor blades of Y-2 type helicopter are studied.