Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.
In an election, Helios works as follows.
Helios is the simultaneous release of 39 Eclipse projects.
The temple on which Kratos stood, was the Sun Chariot of Helios.
The logo underpins the importance of the name Helios - the sun god.
Titan, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios, Selene, Eos.
Enter the proper Helios repository information, if it isn't already available.
One more thing we can do is when you buy light bulbs ask for "LED Helios" next time.
Common for all the products from Helios is the strong focus on ingredients and flavors.
I used Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and a snapshot of Lombok's git repository for version 0.10-beta2.
我采用了Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)以及用于版本0.10 -BETA2的Lombokgit库的快照。
Helios introduces an affinity metric expressing the suitability to run a process on a kernel.
For Helios, we've added new components and we will graduate as a mature project with this release.
The authors’ solution is Helios, an OS which does not contain a single kernel but satellite kernels.
For Galileo, and going forward with Helios, "Cole said," the goal of TPTP is to have zero defects.
On September 6th, BP Helios award celebration (Asia Pacific) was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Helios has since 1969 provided organic and environmentally friendly products to the Norwegian market.
Once you are connected, you should see the list of available projects that are part of the Helios release.
Overholt also said, "Helios includes our 0."6 release, which features improvements to many of our components.
His name is Ken Starks, although he's better known as Helios. Here's what he does with a few like-minded people.
To celebrate the upcoming Helios simultaneous release, the Eclipse Foundation wants to recruit 360 new Friends of Eclipse.
The past few years, new players have entered the market, but not many producers have an equally strong history as Helios.
The Colossus of Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios, the Greek God of the Sun, erected near the mouth of the city harbor.
Helios is a project based on Singularity, a Microsoft research project intended to explore new options for operating systems.
Through focus groups, it became clear that the name Helios had the highest recognition and was thus the most important item to keep.
For example, the Helios networking stack expresses a positive affinity for the channels used to communicate with a network device driver.
The very chariot that the Fire Speeds pulled across the sky every day, allowing the brilliance of Helios to shine down on all mankind.
The goal of this article was to take you through the Helios simultaneous release and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release.
The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley.
The new release is full with new features, and tracks the latest versions of various projects like Spring roo 1.1.4, Eclipse Helios SR2, Groovy 1.7.8.
新版本中有不少新特性,将很多项目升级到了最新版本,比如springroo1.1.4、EclipseHelios SR 2、Groovy1.7.8、Grails 1.3.7。
The new release is full with new features, and tracks the latest versions of various projects like Spring roo 1.1.4, Eclipse Helios SR2, Groovy 1.7.8.
新版本中有不少新特性,将很多项目升级到了最新版本,比如springroo1.1.4、EclipseHelios SR 2、Groovy1.7.8、Grails 1.3.7。