It can help you and your child understand and track the illness. A chart can also help the doctor see whether treatment is working.
您能够使得治疗更有效率.试试为您的孩子作一张表格记录他的情绪 行为以及睡眠.我们称之为"日常生活表格".它能够帮助您和您的孩子理解这种疾病并且追踪它.这张表格同样可以帮助医生观察治疗是否有效.
Don't make the mistake of thinking you have to clean up all your messes before you ask God for help. That's like curing yourself of a disease before you drive down and see the doctor.
If you cannot remove the stings yourself you should see a doctor or nurse for help.
AWell, if I were you, I'd go to see the doctor. That might help. And you'd better stay in bed today instead of going to work.
AWell, if I were you, I'd go to see the doctor. That might help. And you'd better stay in bed today instead of going to work.