They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
It is further divided into four regions, or lobes, in each hemisphere.
Which makes earth, and in particular, the northern hemisphere, warmer.
Two candidates, both moths from the Southern Hemisphere, are now being studied.
Most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling.
Most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling.
Trees such as maples usually get much redder the more north you travel in the northern hemisphere.
By extracting water from the detector's chamber, the detector's surface becomes a concave hemisphere.
Dolphins, as well as other marine animals, shut down one hemisphere of the brain when they go to sleep.
As fall approaches in the northern hemisphere, the amount of solar energy available declines considerably.
Although the fuel consumption is greater in the northern hemisphere, temperatures there seem to be falling.
The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere's eye stays open and alert.
What could possibly explain why either hemisphere of the brain would normally be enough, as long as we don't transfer both?
While similar melting effects are being measured in the southern hemisphere, the Greenland sheet may be uniquely vulnerable.
Because most of the planet's glaciers are in the northern hemisphere, and if it gets too warm, then glaciers will stop forming.
The dream of individual opportunity has been home in American since Europeans discovered a "new world" in the Western Hemisphere.
As one hemisphere of Earth tilts farther from the sun, the arc of the sun's daily path seen from that location lowers toward the horizon.
We are close to a knowledge of annual summer and winter temperature variations over much of the northern hemisphere going back 600 years.
The results provide the best evidence for a long standing supposition that single hemisphere sleep evolved as creatures scanned for enemies.
Because language centers are smaller, and only located in one hemisphere, this puts males more at risk for language disorders like dyslexia.
Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.
Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun's rays most directly.
The predictive signal is a steady rhythm of alpha waves emanating from the brain's right hemisphere, which are closely associated with relaxing activities.
The Winter Hexagon involves some of the brightest stars visible, forming a large and easily found pattern in the winter sky of Earth's northern hemisphere.
But it's no ghost, according to Lehrer. Instead, the right hemisphere of the brain is assembling connections between past influences and making something entirely new.
Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right.
The neuronal imbalance in the brain of the infant caused seizures, prompting surgeons to remove the enlarged hemisphere—a treatment that has proven successful in similar cases.
"When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.
The rare disorder, in which one side of the brain grows substantially larger than the other, occurs when neurons in the abnormal hemisphere undergo too many cell divisions before they mature.
It's a phenomenon that occurs anywhere you have a large lake that doesn't freeze and have cold air flowing over it, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere Like the great lakes in the United States.