The reconstructed mammoth hemoglobin could deliver oxygen at colder temperatures than the human form of the protein could handle.
Hemoglobin, as you know, is an oxygen carrier and so red blood cells concentrate in bags of hemoglobin which circulate in your blood and they carry oxygen.
Sanguinous fluid indicates an excess of red blood cells or hemoglobin.
Dehydration or hyperhydration can greatly influence measured hemoglobin levels.
Some, like hemoglobin, deliver oxygen from the lungs to the far reaches of the body.
This time we separated the hemoglobin out of the blood in the usual dark red crystals.
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin — a red, iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color.
Persons with sickle cell trait (Hemoglobin AS) are much less likely to have this happen.
Anemia means that your blood doesn't have enough hemoglobin, which is in red blood cells.
Elevated hemoglobin levels thicken the blood, and the heart struggles to pump it around the body.
Results Between-group differences in glycated hemoglobin levels were lost after the first year.
So mammoths solved that problem by evolving hemoglobin that releases oxygen more easily in the cold.
Some people learn that their hemoglobin is low, which indicates anemia, when they go to donate blood.
If you're told that you can't donate blood because of low hemoglobin, make an appointment with your doctor.
Figure 4 offers a visual look at the protein hemoglobin (image is a stereo pair; see Resources for the image source).
图4 显示了蛋白质血色素的视图(图像提供了一对立体模型;见参考资料)。
When you have anemia, your body doesn't have enough red blood cells, or your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin.
But high hemoglobin levels have been linked to complications such as hypertension and chronic mountain sickness, Simonson said.
Iron is a mineral that makes up an important part of hemoglobin, the substance in blood that carries oxygen throughout the body.
To produce hemoglobin and red blood cells, your body needs iron, vitamin B-12, folate and other nutrients from the foods you eat.
骨髓是一种红色、海绵状的东东,居住在很多大骨头的腔隙(骨髓腔)里;它需要铁元素、维生素B 12 、叶酸等原料来制造血红蛋白和红细胞。
In addition to bats, spiders, mites, amblypygids, and small, hemoglobin-rich fish thrive in the sulfur-saturated environment.
Until now, dialysis centers have tended to give such patients astronomical doses in an effort to raise their hemoglobin levels.
Of those people, 1, 006 reported that they had been diagnosed with diabetes, or they had a hemoglobin A1C reading above 6.5 percent.
From then on depending on how the patient responds according to their levels of hemoglobin slowly increase the dosage of ribavirin.
It was necessary to consider whether dextran might give rise to breakdown products of hemoglobin, which might be nephrotoxic or hepatotoxic.
Healthy red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days, so when they die, the iron from the hemoglobin is recycled to make new red blood cells.
Healthy red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days, so when they die, the iron from the hemoglobin is recycled to make new red blood cells.