The idea of girls' education in her village has changed.
In her village, it was a tradition to keep girls inside their homes.
Today, there is not a single girl in her village who doesn't go to school.
Unluckily, she died in a flash flood at the age of 30 while driving back to her village in Baise.
No celebratory flags fly in her village, as they do in Colombo.
Poultry deaths were reported in her village prior to symptom onset.
"Thu eventually escaped, but after returning to her village, she was ostracised."
Thu eventually escaped, but after returning to her village, she was ostracised.
She had returned to her village on 27 October 2008 - a year after she had left seeking help.
Her intended was a boy from her village who was two years younger - that, too, was not strange.
He did not really know her, but since her village was all but abandoned in 1999, somebody has to.
One parent says she is preparing to take her child back to her village, because conditions are better there.
Now as a Kerap member, she participates in land mapping training and organizes mapping sessions in her village.
Last December when the massive walls of water from the tsunami engulfed her village in Banda Aceh, Lia was away.
In September she fled her village, leaving her family little choice but to forfeit her tiny plot of land, and her dreams.
Now back in her village in Thampalagama, the surviving “Kanchana” was among the first refugees to be released, in August.
On a late summer afternoon, the elder Lenkoe walked to her village with Lesole Mokele, a 35-year-old counselor with Partners In Health.
Today Amber and I picked Endung up after work and went to her village near Ubud. Her village is so small, but possesses so much culture and beauty.
Business has dropped off somewhat in the past couple of years as mobile phones have fallen in price and many people in her village can afford their own.
Her village, Pipola, sits just southeast of the Tehri Dam, which bestrides one of the precursors of the Ganges River and is India's largest hydropower project.
They keep saying they're going to stop but then it starts again, " said Li Jiao, in her early 20s, who fled yesterday after hearing gunfire near her village.
A grandmother tries to calm her granddaughter who fled from her village in Sidorejo in Klaten of the Indonesia central Java province, after Mount Merapi erupted, November 3, 2010.
By the final pages of the book, Namu has beaten two people bloody, devastated a suitor, demolished a kitchen with an axe and fled her village with her mother flinging stones at her back.
Further investigation is under way to determine whether the woman may have acquired her infection during culling operations or as a result of direct exposure to infected birds in her village.
She says other orange growers in her village saw how her life had improved and pulled out their trees to plant Arabica, a high-quality coffee plant that thrives in Yunnan's climate. (See slideshow).
Her latest novel is a chronicle of life in a Devon village.
Barbara, who had only lived in the village since her marriage, was glad to get some information from her friend.
She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called, at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro.
She complains of constant pains in her hips and joints and of problems from the dust that settles on the village.
She complains of constant pains in her hips and joints and of problems from the dust that settles on the village.