There was a very significant negative association between the attack rate and the herd immunity (P<0.01).
By contrast several rich countries, including America, Britain, France and Italy, are below herd immunity.
It is also why every few decades a flu strain appears with the genetic novelty to evade our herd immunity and wreak global havoc.
The study also provided evidence of the so-called "herd immunity effect" in which unvaccinated older people benefit from the vaccination of children and infants.
The success of any given vaccine depends on so-called herd immunity, in which a high rate of immunization in a population helps to protect those individuals who are not immune.
Because no vaccine protects 100 percent of kids who get it, epidemiologists rely on "herd immunity" to make sure enough kids are well enough protected to keep a disease from spreading.
Many of the childhood vaccinations rely on "herd-immunity" - a certain percentage of the population having the vaccine in order to protect those that do not, or cannot have it, from infection.
In many counties, towns and nursery schools — within Washington state, Oregon, Vermont and California, especially-vaccination rates are now far below the herd-immunity level.
In many counties, towns and nursery schools — within Washington state, Oregon, Vermont and California, especially-vaccination rates are now far below the herd-immunity level.