Any tax or duty other than those described hereinabove, if any, shall be borne by the Buyer.
The Seller shall, after taking the remedial measures hereinabove, compensate for the losses, if the Buyer suffers from other losses.
The cleaner hereinabove should not leave the workplace with the key still plugging in the cabinet lock or in an unlocked drawer or the cabinet.
The policy referred to hereinabove shall be taken out in the name of the Seller and all losses under such policy shall be payable to the Seller.
The obligations set forth hereinabove are in this agreement collectively referred to as "confidentiality obligations" or "obligations of confidence".
The poisonous, harmful or radioactive workplace is prone to contingent occupational injuries or the transportation/storage of radioactive isotope fails to meet the provision of Article 23 hereinabove;
The poisonous, harmful or radioactive workplace is prone to contingent occupational injuries or the transportation/storage of radioactive isotope fails to meet the provision of Article 23 hereinabove;