The batteries are designed to be leak-proof and hermetically sealed.
Fringe benefits here include a cigar club, the fastest lifts in the world, and the chance to snap peregrine falcons as they migrate past your no doubt hermetically sealed expanse of window.
The third containment is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick bubble of the strongest steel and concrete.
One answer is to use the energy to compress air, which can be squirrelled away in hermetically sealed underground caverns.
One digital industry that learned this lesson long ago is the video-game sector, which excels at creating electronic environments hermetically sealed off from the outside world.
The containment structure is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick structure made of steel and concrete.
As before, the laser package is hermetically sealed for reliable operation in adverse environments and the laser output is collimated using an internal lens system.
Then social progress stopped - a study comparing the fate of children born in 1958 with those born in 1970 shows the latter more hermetically sealed into the social class of their birth.
No, it was the "shadowy" world of "crazy" inhabited by American's assassins, a hermetically sealed Da Vinci Code realm sealed against all outer influences and driven by an internal logic all its own.
Fringe benefits here include a cigar club, the fastest lifts in the world, and the chance to snap peregrine falcons as they migrate past your no doubt hermetically sealed expanse of window.
The probe unit is hermetically sealed .
A type of hard disk storage device in which the disk is hermetically sealed inside its disk drive.
Shashank Joshi, an associate fellow of the Royal United Services Institute, a British think-tank, says the capital is not hermetically sealed but is effectively under siege.
Composite stainless steel tube fiber unit, High strength steel wire armored inside. Hermetically metallic sealed, HDPE sheath.
The Bith hermetically sealed their cities, and retreated from the growing wilds of their planet.
Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 512: effectiveness of non-removable fixing of hermetically sealed connector shell.
Platinum wire wound Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) construction consists of very fine high purity Platinum wire wound onto a ceramic core and then hermetically sealed with a glassed coating.
The probe unit is hermetically sealed.
Unit is hermetically sealed to assure maximum reliability under extreme environmental conditions.
In this paper a finite element model of hermetically sealed electromagnetic relay is built, through normal modes analysis and frequency response analysis, the vibration transitive path is studied.
Platinum wire wound Resistance Temperature Detectors RTD construction consists of very fine high purity Platinum wire wound onto a ceramic core and then hermetically sealed with a glassed coating.
The two chips are mounted on a ceramic substrate, and then hermetically sealed in a ceramic surface mount package.
Cement and concrete shall be transported in hermetically sealed tank car.
The peculiar feature of this titrator is wide-concentration range, high resolution, high accuracy, hermetically-sealed system and convenient operation.
A special liquid, hermetically vacuum - sealed, is employed in a unique duplex design.
The components are enclosed in a hermetically sealed package, the fibers are spliced together, then the DPSS laser is tested for performance.
The components are enclosed in a hermetically sealed package, the fibers are spliced together, then the DPSS laser is tested for performance.