Listing 3 shows an example of a Hibernate mapping file.
Listing 3 shows the Hibernate mapping file for a Customer object.
With Hibernate, you can define an HQL query in a Hibernate mapping file (hbm.xml) and give it a name.
使用Hibernate,可以在Hibernate映射文件(hbm . xml)中定义HQL查询并为其命名。
The SRC \ spring folder contains the Hibernate mapping files and spring configuration file for the example application.
src \spring文件夹包含示例应用程序的Hibernate映射文件和spring配置文件。
Active Record doesn't require a mapping file, as Hibernate does; in fact, a developer working with Active Record doesn't need to code getters or setters, or even the properties of the class.
与Hibernate一样,ActiveRecord不需要映射文件;实际上,使用Active Record的开发人员不需要对getter或setter、甚至类的属性进行编码。
Later when a new physical shard is added, only this mapping as well the hibernate configuration file need to be provided.
Later when a new physical shard is added, only this mapping as well the hibernate configuration file need to be provided.