If you have not heard of these negative comments, Will find this stuff your own hidden dangerous?
The determinate calculation about position of the block incised by 3 joints, especially the hidden dangerous block are discussed and settled, and a simple method to calculate t…
The enemy hidden in our ranks are of course much more dangerous than those acting in broad daylight.
This made him dangerous—though the danger was hidden in the lilting rhythms and Mr Dube's dazzling smile.
Configuring file system access along with user input is dangerous, so it's best to avoid it altogether by designing your application to use a database and hidden, generated file names.
There are three main approaches: enhanced x-rays to spot hidden objects, sensor technology to sniff dangerous chemicals, and radio frequencies that can identify liquids and solids.
The suspects are accused of using dangerous methods to try to avoid detection during the journeys, including hidden compartments inside boats, buses and freight trains.
The operator shall take measures to prevent dangerous goods from being hidden or concealed in baggage, cargo, mail and stores.
The enemy hidden in our ranks are of course much more dangerous than those acting in broad daylight .
Though folks know sunbathing can be dangerous, they may not be aware of the hidden sources of skin damage.
Below the streets of New York is a dark and dangerous world hidden in the shadows of abandoned subway tunnels and miles of forgotten infrastructure.
The interior of the Castles of Perion. Many dangerous monsters lay hidden here.
The information hidden in a drop of blood may lead a doctor to suggest ways to treat, or avoid dangerous health conditions.
Furthermore, it puts forward the scheme of restoration and reinforcement in case of dangerous situation and hidden danger, and sums up the experience and lessons at last.
Non-hidden trouble safety management of Dangerous chemicals is a kind of modern safety management method which controls main factors to form accident.
The sun was still hidden behind Spyglass Hill , which came down to the sea in dangerous cliffs on this side of the island .
At present in our country, the dangerous reservoir has a lot of security hidden troubles which form a great threat to the stability of the dam.
At present in our country, the dangerous reservoir has a lot of security hidden troubles which form a great threat to the stability of the dam.