A taxonomy is a hierarchical classification made with levels.
Traditional economy is based on information, capital and the power of a hierarchical classification.
Hierarchical classification systems provide a granular method of categorizing objects according to business need.
Correlative coefficient was computed using Cosine method. Hierarchical classification used SPSS11.0 statistical analysis software.
RESULTS: We present a semi-automatic procedure for deriving a novel hierarchical classification of protein domain structures (CATH).
This paper discusses about the extraction of urban road information from an IKONOS image using a hierarchical classification technique.
To help view the product cost incurred by different level, a product family structure is represented by a hierarchical classification of product cost.
The urban land of Xiamen Island is classified into seven categories using the hierarchical classification method, and the classification results are verified.
After the hierarchical classification of CISS (Computer Interlocking Safety-critical Software) requirement specifications, an automatic hierarchical testing strategy is introduced.
Adaptive Hierarchical subdivision of volume data based on the hybrid tree is not only improve the classification speed, but also can be used in interactive volume visualization.
Classification The grouping and arrangement of organisms into a hierarchical order.
This dissertation starts with the classification of familiar tools in assembly procedure and studies the construction and management of tool library with hierarchical structure in virtual environment.
This study, by means of multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering, attempts a similar classification of 17 spatial words by the deaf students tested.
A hierarchical decomposed support vector machines binary decision tree is used for classification.
According to the hierarchical principle, a classification method is presented based on the combination of rough set theory and BP neural network.
The Guizhou Sheldrakes among tne famous Chinese duck breeds were identified using both hierarchical clustering methods and fuzzy classification methods.
Second existing routing protocols or algorithms are outlined and compared as the classification of plane, hierarchical as well as the position aided ones.
The classification and the description of the assembly features are researched and the feature models of the parts are built in CAXA, and the parts are assembled to hierarchical assembly model.
The classification of knowledge in domains of learning is based on the scientific practice of hierarchical categorization.
This paper proposes a kernel function - hierarchical log-polar matching kernel which making use of the feature spatial information for building classification in remote sensing images.
The results show that the classification model based on hierarchical thinking which is proposed in this paper has higher precision.
On this basis, we propose a hierarchical model of text classification, then this model is applied to the Chinese web page classification, and we design and implement a prototype system.
Making use of the properties and the character of classification at each level on the hierarchical graph, the multi branched tree of the hierarchical graph is set up.
Methods The collating vectors of individual expert are classified with hierarchical clustering principle and the expert weight coefficients are determined according to the result of classification.
Methods The chemical variables as a whole were obtained by HPLC; the classification was carried out by using the hierarchical clustering analysis.
Methods The chemical variables as a whole were obtained by HPLC; the classification was carried out by using the hierarchical clustering analysis.