It's wise to find a place to travel that has a lot to present but hasn't yet been hit by high price of admission as well as mass popularity.
On-line liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is a high throughput method for the analysis of small molecules in biofluids.
NCDnet also focuses on four biological risk factors: raised blood pressure, raised cholesterol, raised blood sugar, and a high body mass index.
Primary considerations were airtightness, thermal mass and high levels of insulation.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men with a high muscle mass in their upper arms are 36% less likely to die from any cause of death than those with smaller arms.
Third, its high mass probably means it is made of iron, an appropriate material for a planet named after a divine Smith.
This is not because the standard was bad, it was because manufactures did not yet have a high enough demand and time to mass-produce the components inexpensively.
Unexpectedly, the women in the study showed no preference for men with traditionally masculine features, such as a prominent jaw and high muscle mass, the researchers say.
They also separated out the DNA from the bacteria and analyzed its composition using a technique called high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry; the isolated DNA contained arsenic.
About 30% of cancer deaths are due to the five leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use.
The suite provides all central mission computing, mass data storage, and high-speed local-area network capability.
But even the more mass market-focused resorts depend on high-rollers for almost half of their operating earnings.
A high-mass star forms and dies quickly.
These ultra-high resolution photos allowed the scientists to extend the mass-luminosity relation further than ever before.
I also asked for more money for roads, Bridges, mass transit, high-tech information systems, and environmental cleanups to increase productivity and employment.
With no charge and practically no mass, high-energy neutrinos pass unperturbed through interstellar magnetic fields.
If I have a huge spring force, the acceleration on a given mass will be high.
The trifecta of alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking and a high body mass index may be linked with alcohol-related brain injuries, a new study finds.
And three-dimensional sidewall compression inlet with 25 percent cowl position has high mass capture and total pressure recovery coefficient and isolator exit flow flied is homogeneous.
This includes 21,137 mass layoffs, a seven-year high.
Astronomers who examined eight relatively nearby galaxies have found evidence of a surprisingly high abundance of faint, low-mass stars — each has about 10 times as many as the Milky Way.
Tilapia demand "has grown at a phenomenal rate, " says Keith Decker, president and chief operating officer of High Liner Foods USA, the Danvers (Mass.)
罗非鱼的需求量“已呈惊人增长,”High Liner(美国)食品公司总裁兼首席运营官基思.德克(KeithDecker)说。
High mass concentration of lead induced adventitious roots.
The fluidized-bed electrochemical reactor is a new type of electrocbemical reactor cbaracterized by large active surface and high mass transter coefficient.
The casing collar locator is an electric logging tool that detects the magnetic anomaly caused by the relatively high mass of the casing collar.
Alkaline Zn-air battery has high mass specific energy, high mass specific power, stable operating voltage and low cost. The whole world pays much attention to its development.
Alkaline Zn-air battery has high mass specific energy, high mass specific power, stable operating voltage and low cost. The whole world pays much attention to its development.