The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".
In Nunavut's "igloo and email" society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, there's a high incidence of depression.
She moves in high-society circles in Palm Beach.
This was a society with similarities to the modern one—moving goods on a gigantic scale, manufacturing high-quality containers to do so, and occasionally, even discarding them on delivery.
This was a society with similarities to a modern one—moving goods on a gigantic scale, manufacturing high-quality containers to do so, and occasionally, as here, even discarding them on delivery.
This fruit was popular in the past when it was consumed by members of the high society at banquets.
In a society filled with high technical risks, nuclear organizations are unlike ordinary supermarkets and stores.
Financial fraud is the crime of choice for arrivistes, insecure dreamers with a yearning eye for high society.
They will grapple with the growing burdens of an aging society, rising health care costs and high energy prices.
We live in a society - and a world - that places high value on being able to keep busy.
Remember that society elevates experts high onto a pedestal.
The modernized version is noted for accentuating the figures of women, and as such was popular as a dress for high society.
And French was the language of refinement and high society through the 19th century in the United States.
The high society of Los Angeles was outraged, and Mrs Sterling mortified.
It was an attractive hope that the high technology of our society might be wrested from the grip of benighted forces and used to restore us to an idyllic natural state.
It was a high-quality event, and demonstrated a vibrant society, with more than 200 progressive members, nearly all independent.
So many times in life, especially in this high-tech society, it's hard to slow down and call a friend, or read a novel, or get a massage.
Theirs isthe story of the bad boy made very, very good, who breezes stylishlythrough high society with an impossibly glamorous woman on his arm, yetnever loses his street-smart edge.
The National Honor Society, for top high school students, says that 64 percent of its members are girls.
Historians associate the rise of conversation at this time with the prestige enjoyed by women in French high society, which was perhaps unique in Europe before or since.
A little lipstick, a haircut and a shopping spree later — whammo — she's high school high society.
I don't like high society, I'm not someone who likes to go to parties and socialise, I'm shy.
As Macdonald notes, the costs to society are high.
For every African-American male who goes on to finish college instead of dropping out of high school, society saves $294, 000.
REGGIE CHARLES, the chief executive of High Society Freeride, a maker of skis and snowboards based in Colorado, is keen to wrap his firm's products in the Stars and Stripes.
雷吉·查尔斯〔reggie CHARLES〕现在热衷于以星条旗包装公司产品,他是总部设在科罗拉多州〔Colorado〕的雪橇及滑雪板制造商High Society Freeride公司首席执行官。
Through the years, it has served as home to exiled Royals, aristocrats, Ambassadors, business tycoons and high society.
All the elegance, all the refinement of high society was gathered there.
All the elegance, all the refinement of high society was gathered there.