You want high-temperature bricks, what are you going to make them out of?
The earliest ceramics were fired to earthenware temperatures, but as early as the fifteenth century B.C., high-temperature stonewares were being made with glazed surfaces.
Brick works in high-temperature furnaces, maybe tiles on the shuttle, to resist high temperatures because of the high internal bonding.
High-temperature stonewares were being made with glazed surfaces.
I couldn't go to school because I also had a high temperature.
The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone to work day after day in the sunshine.
The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板) that heat water to a high temperature.
Cave-dwelling females form particularly large nursing colonies, choosing a spot with relatively high temperature and humidity where they gather in their masses to breed.
The team analysed DNA from the microbes and found that it had not been broken down into small pieces, as would be expected at high temperature.
For the study, the scientists exposed parakeets to three different conditions: increasing temperature, high temperature and a moderate control temperature.
A monitoring station at the foot of Mt Everest also recorded a new record high temperature of 25.8 degrees, which was 0.7C warmer than the previous peak.
That is to say brick work in high temperature furnaces, maybe tiles on the Shuttle, to resist high temperatures because of the high internal bonding.
Extremely high temperature deconstruction (above 700 degrees c) produces gas that can be converted into liquid fuel.
Beijing's high temperature was minus one degree Celsius on Saturday, down by at least six degrees from last week.
Experts state that the occurrence of the high temperature this week is rather rare, though not unprecedented.
If you go to the other extreme, of very high temperature, then this will tend to flatten out.
You can look at the high temperature gas reactor but this is more or less dated information because we're going to a different technology than what is being proposed here.
That happened because in the limit of high temperature, then this exponent is really small, right?
For renewable diesel made from animal fat, fats are hydrogenated by reacting the tallow with hydrogen under high pressure at high temperature.
Rhenium is used to make high-temperature alloys for jet engine parts and in high-octane, lead-free gasoline.
A headache with a high temperature, neck stiffness and/or a new rash may be due to meningitis.
Now the pebble bed reactor has the same basic safety features as a high temperature prismatic reactor in a sense that it has a meltdown free core.
Now, if you want to explain high-temperature superconductivity and you believe the pseudogap is a precursor, you need to explain both.
Here it's different, so now we have You know before, when we had a limited number of total states, remember what happened in the heat capacity at high temperature.
If you had crashed in an ocean, a high temperature zone, or a subzero environment, your chances of survival would be reduced to zero.
Future space missions and satellites will have high-temperature and radiation hardened requirements, company officials say.
Traditional geothermal plants exploit natural systems in which water seeps down into porous rocks in the ground and emerges back at the surface at a high temperature.
But what we've found is that in the high temperature limit, we had the equipartition of energy result.
What's the heat capacity at high temperature, if there's a finite number of states available?
What's the heat capacity at high temperature, if there's a finite number of states available?