More recipes now suggest it for frying and other high-heat techniques, not just for last-minute drizzling.
The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer.
I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.
Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over.
The milky tea has high nutritive value, various flavors and has the efficacy of clearing heat and detoxicating and reliving summer heat and water retention.
I was fired at a very high heat.
The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板) that heat water to a high temperature.
The North American Gulf Coast Native sheep, for example, thrives in high heat and humidity and has broad parasite resistance.
In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine water and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently until the sugar dissolves completely.
Next, place the artichokes in a pot and fill it halfway with water and let it boil on high heat.
In a large Dutch oven over high, heat the oil. Add the brisket and sear until browned all over, 3 to 4 minutes per side.
找一只大的荷兰烤肉锅,把油加热,放入牛肉煎到每一面呈棕黄,每面大概3- 4分钟。
So far, Jackson's results are consistent: What's in peoples' Wells is deep gas, created in high heat with its own chemical signature. It's not like the methane in this old seep.
Dr Sarah Schenker, a registered dietician from the Nutrition Society, says: 'the lower levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate result from the effect of high heat during roasting.
Soak the lotus seeds in a bowl of water, steam at high heat for 1 hour, take out and draw aside for later use;
Just don't overcook; garlic exposed to high heat for more than 10 minutes loses important nutrients.
When carbon - one of the most abundant elements on Earth - is rolled up into tubes, it exhibits some extraordinary properties such as high heat conduction, which the team exploited in the new study.
Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen.
Because of the high heat and pressure involved, the process is mostly automated and done without much human help.
The right oil: The chef uses palm oil, which he heats up to medium-high heat.
Canola oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any other oil except olive. It is best for stir-frying because the flavor is bland and it can withstand high heat.
Stir-frying the leaves in this way breaks down their cell walls, just as vegetables soften over high heat.
In a large, heavy pot, combine the cabbage soup ingredients, except the raisins, and bring them to a boil over medium-high heat while preparing the meatballs.
KONI's military shock absorber design includes components that can survive in high heat applications - which is a must for military vehicles traveling in and out of theatre.
Heat a frying pan or wok on medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons oil, swirling so that the bottom of the pan is coated.
Cook the beef and onion in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat until the beef is well browned, stirring often to separate meat.Pour off any fat.
Discard any of the beans that float, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
SMELTER: Some 3.8 million metric tons of lead are produced annually by separating it from mined ore using high heat.
"It's also very thin, which once again means high heat per surface area," says Sean o 'keefe, a professor of food science at Virginia Tech.
The high heat capacity of water makes it possible for ocean currents to carry heat in a very efficient manner.
The high heat capacity of water makes it possible for ocean currents to carry heat in a very efficient manner.