The amount of solar energy hitting its high-latitude location is now roughly the same as it was when it shut down.
Back in 2008 solar scientists saw a high-latitude, reversed-polarity sunspot, suggesting the start of a new solar cycle.
Instead, the site says, "high-latitude sky-watchers should be alert for auroras when the cloud arrives, probably on August 10."
Further, they verify that high-latitude climate can transfer to East Asia monsoon region via the westerly and Mongolia and Siberian high pressure system.
Furthermore, we study the effects that a various of physical processes have on the high-latitude and low-latitude ionospheric disturbance during storm times.
Zhao and Running's analysis showed that since 2000, high-latitude Northern Hemisphere ecosystems have continued to benefit from warmer temperatures and a longer growing season.
Effective removal of icing, especially Bridges, highroads, airports and other important facilities 'deicing, has been concerned by countries where located in the high-latitude.
The distribution is the phase reverse between the high-latitude and the low-latitude district, which is the most distinctly structure characteristic of the sea level pressure in the north hemisphere.
The sun must be very high in the sky and it can not be seen at a latitude above 55degrees north (which includes Scotland and much of Canada) or below 55 degrees south.
The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude 60 degrees south.
The oval was at high altitude and high latitude, so scientists think the oval may have been associated with Jupiter's powerful auroras.
The Geolocation API, as proposed in the W3C draft, is a high-level interface to location information, such as latitude and longitude, associated with the device hosting the implementation.
Among all of the factors that affect trees growth and wood formation, temperature is the most important, especially in arid, semiarid regions or high latitude regions.
The zonal distribution of precipitation is two peak value curve tendency in low latitude region and up tendency in middle latitude region and down-up tendency in high latitude region.
Perched high on a granite ridge, the cabin has panoramic views of high latitude forest and lake Saimaa in Eastern Finland.
Higher temperatures will lead to increases of non-native plant and animal species, especially on mid and high latitude islands.
This paper deals with the recent advances on the study of polar lows occurred over the high latitude oceans.
Our results of the wave-mean flow coupled model show that these tropical winds can also modulate the high latitude waveguide significantly in the case of wave-mean flow interaction.
Meanwhile, the anomaly of the atmospheric circulation over the high latitude Eurasia during spring is crucial to the summer monsoon circulation and precipitation over East Asia.
This pattern of SSTA distribution is related to summer rainfall anomaly of North China by means of the tropical convection activity and general circulation in the middle and high latitude. iv.
In this paper, the index of polar vortex position is introduced. This index can preferably describe the variability of mid-high latitude circulation anomaly.
Sedimentladen ice blocks is formed in high elevation district where has evidently climatic vertical zonation in the low latitude district or the mountain region of high latitude.
It is shown that the TEC variation is associated with the local time the solar perturbing occurred and the coupling of the ionospheric particles of high latitude with the solar particle.
Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude.
Ice load has been used as a control load in the field of ocean engineering, especially in the high latitude regions.
The phenomenon that rivers freeze in high latitude and cold regions is universal.
Moreover, coniferous forests and those in high latitude zones have higher efficiency in nutrient use.
Soil wet with latitude escalating rate is lower, indicating a low latitude areas of the forest vegetation in areas with high latitude than hydropower strong.
Thermosphere: Heating, density increase, expansion at high latitude.
Thermosphere: Heating, density increase, expansion at high latitude.