We are experiencing a potential risk of similar setback at moment due to recent high and volatile food prices.
A suicide pill is a term for any high-risk poison pill strategy that may discourage a potential acquirer but also place the takeover target under severe financial pressure.
On the tactical side, the system could reduce logistics and the potential loss of life associated with high risk fuel transport operations.
Possible high-risk shortcuts in response to a potential emergency would be difficult to justify prior to the actual occurrence of the emergency.
If further larger studies confirm these results, they say high doses of inhaled corticosteroids may play a potential role in reducing the risk of lung cancer among people with COPD.
When quizzed about potential HIV risk, respondents cited North America, Thailand, and Kenya as high risk, and as higher than Britain.
Mykura said he did not think that making the film increased the risk of potential high-profile kidnappings.
For our current studies we do a prescreening questionnaire of individuals and if anyone is identified as a potential high risk drinker then obviously they would be excluded from the experiment.
Formulating actions to prioritize avoidance of potential failure mode with high risk identified in DFMEA.
High blood sugar and fibrinogen levels may be potential risk factors, in particular, a high fibrinogen level implies a poor prognosis.
However, the potential risk of heavy metal pollution in the water should not be overlooked considering the high concentrations of heavy metals in the river sediments in and around towns.
PKP performed in children can be a high-risk procedure with the potential for serious complications, making the use of a keratoprosthesis more reasonable.
The comprehensive analysis reveals that there is a quite high and potential resistance risk of insect and mite pests to avermectins.
Conclusions: The incidence of carotid aneurysm is relatively low, but it has high risk potential. Thus, it should be aggressively treated once diagnosed.
The high rate of non-performing loans of the state-owned Banks has influenced their ability to support the economy seriously, and its potential risk can not get rid of either.
The high-pressure core melt accidents in PWR nuclear power plant which cover most of the severe accidents, have large potential risk.
The qualified rate of samples was above 80.00%, but could not reach the high standard for disinfection, and also had the potential risk of medical infection.
Chuanr stands like the one above are a common sight in the streets of Beijing, but those cheap hot dogs carry a high potential health cost: an increased risk of colon cancer.
Sovereign debt risk has become a major and real threat to global financial stability and economic recovery, and its potential systemic effects deserve a high degree of attention and concern.
To evaluate potential cardiovascular benefits and harms of a continuous long-term treatment with colchicine in any population, and specifically in people with high cardiovascular risk.
It will also cover the skills is needed to do the scoring for these potential problems so they can be prioritized and that actions can be taken in high risk areas.
Objective: to study the characteristics and correlation between gross motor and fine motor skills developments in different birth weight infants with high risk of potential cerebral palsy.
Objective: to study the characteristics and correlation between gross motor and fine motor skills developments in different birth weight infants with high risk of potential cerebral palsy.