Method of high-speed data-transmission between navigation computer and searching radar in the Orientation and Position system is introduced.
High speed data transmission with high reliability is the most promising direction for the future wireless communications.
In high-speed serial links, equalization techniques can effectively improve the data rate or increase the transmission distance.
This paper gives a serial transmission method which bases on the I2C BUS and its division. Wehave effectively solved the data delay in high speed serial data transmission system.
Final tested to prove the network device driver can be a very good realization of the network packet data transmission, to achieve a relatively rapid speed and high stability.
The system can realize high speed transmission of data stream and printing with high velocity and precision when print head with 360dpi precision is used.
The paper presents a high speed & high precision data transmission system that solves the electromagnetic interference problem in wire data transmission of FOG performance measurements.
The application of the techniques solves the bottle-neck problem between the ability of computer to process bulky data and transmission media for high speed information.
High speed packet data transmission with high reliability is the most promising direction for the future wireless communications.
The transmission characteristics of conventional 7-conductor armored logging cable is not good to transmit video data with high-speed.
The multimedia timer and multithread technique were used to solve the high speed data transmission in serial port system and data communication in multi-serial port system.
High speed down-hole transmission technology of video data with a single cable is introduced in this article.
The key of their success is that software overhead of data transmission is reduced to minimum and optical fiber communication chain with high speed transmission and low-dissipation is used.
The IEEE1394 interface has the good physical property and the high speed data transmission capacity, extremely suits the numeral regards the audio frequency data transmission.
Finally, the wireless data transmission equipment is realized, and experiment results show that the equipment is of high-speed and has efficient data transmission capability.
Time variant multipath propagation in acoustic channel causes serious intersymbol interference (ISI), which makes high speed data transmission over acoustic channel very difficult.
但水声信道的时变多途效应造成接收数据严重的码间干扰(I S I),使得高速水声通讯的实现十分困难。
According to the of performance high speed gear transmission, the dynamic information data collecting system is developed.
The system utilizes CPLD to realize logical and timing control between DSP and multi-channel ADC. The interface between DSP's HPI and PCI bus is employed to achieve high-speed data transmission.
This system can not only satisfy the requirement of high speed transmission of measured data, but also has the capability of fast and flexible mathematical calculation.
Very high data bandwidth and valid transmission distance and right trigger mode were demanded in real-time and high-speed digital camera data transmission channel.
It USES the transmission capacity of high-speed Internet to deal with data from a personal computer or server to a computer cluster on the Internet.
Algorithms currently used for high speed data transmission over voice-band channels can be based on following three principles: on LMS criterion, on ls criterion or on artificial neural network.
By using the general programmable interface (GPIF) of EZ-USB FX2, high speed data transmission for radar image has been achieved.
利用EZ - USB FX2的通用可编程接口(GPIF)达到雷达图像传输的高速要求。
This paper is focused on the new concept of cluster OFDM for high-speed data transmission in the Satellite-Earth communication, researches on the key technology of synchronization and cluster.
In mechanical equipment monitoring applications, a suitable node platform must be designed to achieve the requests of high-frequency, high-speed, large amount of data transmission.
Abstract: To collect data in high speed and be simple in the structure, a Video Acquisition and Processing system with real-time compressing and transmission is presented.
This thesis research and design a set of industry CT oriented USB2.0 high speed data transmission system.
Field-bus connects the industrial equipments in the field, undertake the task of high-speed acquisition, processing and transmission of a large number of data in production.
And the previous means of communication can not satisfy the high-speed data transmission requirements, so a new high-speed data transmission system which has a more transmission capacity was required.
And the previous means of communication can not satisfy the high-speed data transmission requirements, so a new high-speed data transmission system which has a more transmission capacity was required.