Half of the victims have been hospitalised, a high rate that may indicate an especially virulent strain of E. coli.
While the equivalent strain rate is high, this influence is of importance and the compression process can be approximately considered as an adiabatic process.
Strong earthquakes occurred in the high-value region and its margins of shear strain rate, especially in the high-value region of shear strain rate in accordance with tectonic deformation background.
Because of the difficulty of concrete high strain rate experimental techniques, there are many disputes about how to describe the dynamic mechanics properties of concrete.
The fatigue crack closure and fatigue crack growth rate in the high strain region of SCT specimen are studied.
The results showed that human cortical bone behaved as a non linear viscoelastic material even at high strain rate.
The absorbed energy property and deformation characteristic of magnesium alloy under high strain rate loading are described.
This improved SHPB method was applied to determine the compressive dynamic mechanical response of aluminum foams at high strain rate.
The fracture strain energy density at the high strain rate is mainly determined by the initial elastic modulus and the unstable strain and affected by the temperature and the strain rate.
They also show that a finer grain size can be obtained by dynamic recrystallization during superplastic deformation at a high strain rate, but the total elongation to failure is limited in about 135%.
The flow stress of 7A60 ultra high strength aluminum alloy was studied by isothermal compress test at constant strain rate.
The current status of research on high strain rate superplasticity of magnesium alloys is then examined, and several problems to be solved and future directions are suggested.
Nevertheless, there are not enough time for the effective growth of the cracks because of slow dissolution rate and relative high strain rate. Therefore, the SCC susceptibilities are also low.
The recent development of the high strain rate superplasticity(HSRS), its deformation mechanism and commercial applications are reviewed in the paper.
On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear.
Moreover, the characteristics of stress waves propagating in concrete structures are essentially dependent on the rate-dependent constitutive relation of concrete materials under high strain-rates.
High strain rate will occur at the tip of a growing crack, whether quasi-static or dynamic growth, due to the existence of strain singularity.
The dominant process of superplastic deformation is fine grain boundary sliding, and an appropriately small amount of liquid phase can enhance the high strain rate superplasticity of the composite.
Additional, the crystallization of natural rubber with high strain rates was investigated to answer the effects of strain rate on the crystallization kinetics and the crystal morphology.
The PP with high grafting rate can improve the melt strength and the extensional viscosity of a PP system and the strain hardening.
The adiabatic shearing phenomena were often found in metallic materials under high-strain, high-strain-rate deformation.
Based on the isothermal constant strain-rate compression tests, the flow stress of a ultra high strength aluminum alloy was researched.
Meanwhile, the superplasticity of glass-ceramics and nanostructured ceramics were also presented. The high strain rate superplasticity was summarized particularly.
In addition, to be integrable, the classical dynamic institution for high-strain-rate materials is decoupled and natural strain is introduced.
The theoretical rules among the high temperature performance of the brazing alloy, strain rate an…
The dynamic split tests of marble using both Brazilian disc and flattened Brazilian disc were performed at high strain rate with split Hopkins pressure bar(SHPB) of 00mm diameter.
The dynamic split tests of marble using both Brazilian disc and flattened Brazilian disc were performed at high strain rate with split Hopkins pressure bar(SHPB) of 00mm diameter.