If you need a car, computer, new refrigerator, stove, new desk or couch, flat screen TV, or anything else high-tech or high-ticket, do your research this month but wait until mid-June to buy.
Ticket sales dipped in 2008 but bounced back in 2009, hitting a five-year high.
So that all her fans could see her, she charged only $2.50 for admission, a striking contrast to the high ticket prices of today’s big concerts.
However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a concert, one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely hard to buy a ticket even at such a high price.
Whatever it is you'd like in this life-romance, a dream job, a ticket to the Rose bowl-the chances are pretty high that you'll need someone's help to get it.
不论你想要的是什么- - - - - -浪漫、理想的工作、一张玫瑰碗门票- - - - - -借助他人的帮助,你得到这些东西的几率就非常高。
The theory, of course, being that since this is a high-ticket item and she is "such a big girl, " it would be much better for her to pick it out.
High ticket items have a lower conversion rate and unique, cheap items tend to have higher conversion rates.
After all, go to a High Street shop - or online - and buy a new item for the cost of a cinema ticket.
After all, we can just go to a High Street shop - or online - and buy a new item for the cost of a cinema ticket.
Star's fans can afford the high retail price of original music, high ticket prices that can not afford stars a truth, that is, stars and fans that between the two is a paradox.
The booth is a welcoming interface for visitors while it provides a secure design for high-volume ticket sales.
The temples have changed a lot now. A lot of them have become very ideological, and are controlled by commerce, with really high ticket prices. They only care about money.
Company Profile: As a class of agents Beijing Huaxia Airlines special fares ticket integrity service network dedicated to provide you with high quality, convenient, fast reservation service inquiries.
Those who want to buy tickets at the city's railway stations should be aware that ticket sales for spots on high-speed trains start six days before a train departs.
Those who want to buy tickets at the city's railway stations should be aware that ticket sales for spots on high-speed trains start six days before a train departs.