The top line of white, he explained, shows how high the water gets during the flash floods in winter.
It also verified that the production li ne was a stable, high efficient, minute distortion and low cost special line for Membrane water wall panels.
Type ISG In-Line pumps are mainly used to water supply for high buildings, booster pipeline pumps, fire fighting and air condition system.
Alif table line-bubble aerator not only offers an high oxygenation efficiency but also can be lifted out of water surface for replacement without disturbing the operation of the aeration tank.
Water distribution uniformity, high resistance to pollution degree low, replacement cost, external line is simple, easy cleaning maintenance and design degrees of freedom and many other advantages.
The paper deals with the law of ground water movement in the slope and analyzes the effect of high phreatic line in the bulk on the slope stability.
The strategies include chemically enhanced settlement, pre-aeration, addition of N-adsorption media and P-adsorption media, high, middle and low water level and dynamic saturation line within the.
A high-pressure wash water pump boosts raw water pressure the high pressure required for on-line washing.
That gives me a sense not leave too high over water I follow, but let my kick to push me overtop that ankle position and return that long line position self.
On the back slope water pressure in clay permeability of avoid by all means, time will take high moisture line, and even the water seepage scale expansion and danger.
The Total Nitrogen Analyzer (TN-2000) based on the principle of high temperature oxidation & chemiluminescence can be used in the on-line monitoring of surface water and waste water.
In-Line pumps are mainly used to water supply for high buildings, booster pipeline pumps, fire fighting and air condition system with virtually no noise or vibration.
This production line produces all kinds of pipes which used for water supply, drainage and high voltage cable protection.
Research methods: in this paper, an accurate water tree model has been created. We have successfully developed a new hot-line diagnostic method called "high frequency superposition method".
The paper introduces a method to detect bromate in water using on-line eluent generator, which produce high-purity KOH automatically.
This paper presents a method for regulating PID parameters on line automatically with fuzzy algorithm to realize controlling water high precision constant temperature of gas water heater.
The on-line processing system has the advantages of high treatment efficiency, environmental protection and good water treating quality.
The normal operation of the high silt content water irrigation with pipe line is guaranteed by adopting the combinative technical measures of broke...
The normal operation of the high silt content water irrigation with pipe line is guaranteed by adopting the combinative technical measures of broken cont…
The normal operation of the high silt content water irrigation with pipe line is guaranteed by adopting the combinative technical measures of broken control an...
The normal operation of the high silt content water irrigation with pipe line is guaranteed by adopting the combinative technical measures of broken control an...