High and low voice "Can you explain to me what the difference is between a high-pitched and low-pitched voice?"
We wanted the next Wii controller, the next point-and-pinch multi-touch screen, the next tilty-pointy, GPS-giro-scoped, voice-enabled, low-fat, high-protein lean-mean-grilling-machine.
Dragons high and dungeons low, find the voice that scares the crows. Deep, black hell and the darkness there dwells.
GTS offers Internet and voice services and will allow UPC to provide high-speed, low-cost content over the same pipe.
Full-duplex voice communication and high mobility are realized from the viewpoint of low power consumption and low cost.
We can simply use an interference eliminator in voice and low rate data user receiver to eliminate the self-interference produced by high rate data channel.
This system realized a voice communication system based on the AMBE2000, this chip USES the MBE algorithm to obtain low changeable communication rate, and high speech quality.
He had such a beautiful voice, and he'd lead off strong, and the others following and joining in, high voices and low.
Therefore, it has many advantages such as fast Internet access, high connection rate, high voice quality, diverse functions and low rate of disconnection.
Voice gateway have low-cost, high cost-effective character, if using the Voice gateway can make internal communications costs near zero and external communications costs also decreased by 40% to 60%.
Imitative Songs. a low voice imitates the melody of a high voice, and they overlap.
模仿织体。 即低声部以自由模仿上声部的旋律而构成双声的迭置。
Improve and beautify the singer to voice, it has low frequency warm thick, strong, high-frequency deep and clear voice features.
Passage 10 What is PHS system? Innovative mobile system to deliver high-quality voice and data transmission capabilities at low cost.
Passage 10 What is PHS system? Innovative mobile system to deliver high-quality voice and data transmission capabilities at low cost.