About 160 million Chinese suffer from high blood fat which can be fatal, medical experts warned yesterday during the launch of a health project.
The male SD rats were fed with high fat feedstuff to obtain model animals with high blood fat. Then the model rats were fed with rice wine of different doses.
Kiwi fruit, fresh milk, etc. were used to develop low-fat and low-calorie fruit yoghurt to satisfy the needs of consumers, especially those with high blood fat.
Conlusions The patients with turbid-phlegm type coronary heart disease have main characteristics such as high blood fat, high blood viscosity and sympathetic nerve hyper-function.
Conclusion high uric acid and high blood fat have very important influence on cerebral infarction, so we should actively carry out necessary treatment for reducing blood fat and uric acid.
Adopting high-quality natural guava as raw material which applies to hyperglycemia and high blood fat people, this product is sugarless with a cool and smooth taste and a refreshment function.
The invention discloses an application of fly chitose for preparing blood fat adjuster, in particular for preparing the drug or health-care product for preventing or treating high blood fat disease.
If you have too much fat - especially if a lot of it is at your waist - you're at higher risk for such health problems as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes.
It is thought that high levels of fat raise the odds of the arteries clogging up, cutting the flow of blood and oxygen.
Even when items are low-fat or low-calories, restaurant food tends to be very high in sodium – a major cause of high blood pressure.
He said the mice who lacked this gene did not get fat when they ate high-carb food and they had lower levels of blood cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Diets high in sugar and fat will cause the level of blood fats, known as triglycerides, to rise in some people.
For example: Metabolic syndrome - a combination of fat around your abdomen, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high triglycerides - has a greater impact on women than on men.
比如代谢综合征- - -腹部脂肪的囤积,高血压,高血糖和高血脂,这些因素对女性心脏病的影响更大。
Gozal says that other studies have shown that inadequate sleep has biological effects, including high blood sugar and cravings for sweet and high-fat foods.
"At birth, offspring in the high-fat group had blood sugar levels that were twice as high as those in the control group, even though their mothers had normal levels," Strakovsky said.
Excess belly fat is becoming notorious as a sign of a heightened risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, gall-bladder disease and numerous cancers.
High blood sugar can lead to the body storing more fat, so maybe put together a little shaker of cinnamon and Splenda to sprinkle on your favorite foods!
When insulin is high, the fat cells are told to start storing (shutting down any process of releasing stored fat into the blood for burning).
Salmon is high in unsaturated fatty acid, which can prevent heart disease from reducing blood fat and cholesterol.
High fat in the bird's diet leads to obesity and may result in lipomas (fatty tumors), lipemia (fat in the blood), and hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease).
This very slow-digesting carb keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, so fat burning can stay high.
High-fat foods can lead to the build-up of fatty plaques in your arteries, and being overweight can lead to high blood pressure.
The rat model of Qi deficiency and blood stasis in ischemia stroke was made by using middling aging rats, hunger, tiredness, high fat diets and the occlusion of left common carotid.
So, if you eat a cholesterol-high breakfast, for example, very soon after that you can see the fat in the blood.
Conclusion in the experiments, the high lipid food rats displayed the liver cells fat denaturalization, the blood lipid and liver lipid increased with liver cells damage.
High-protein diet also reduced body weight, body fat content and increase lipolysis in rats fed with high-fat diet, but blood glucose in which group was higher than in group A2.
High-protein diet also reduced body weight, body fat content and increase lipolysis in rats fed with high-fat diet, but blood glucose in which group was higher than in group A2.