It shows the advantages of easily programming, fast rate of convergence and high calculation accuracy.
For a Doppler radar homing seeker with high pulse repetition frequency, the continuous wave approximation is not only simple, but also has a high calculation accuracy.
High calculation accuracy can be obtained in calculating the concentration factor of the stress around infinite elastic medium cavities by using boundary element method.
The results showed that the restraint variable-dimension method not only could have high calculation accuracy and good numeric stability but also have certain data noise control capability.
The results showed that using the boundary point method to calculate seepage problem has the advantage of easy calculation program, high calculation accuracy, and easy to master and extend.
The calculation of the transmission coefficient with this method will have arbitrarily high accuracy.
Practical examples prove its fast calculation speed , high forecast accuracy and small error variety.
Gauss Integral method is populated due to its high algebraic accuracy in index calculation.
A vast amount of calculation and analysis indicates that the methods not only reduce the calculating time, but also have a high fitting accuracy.
The paper applys gray system theory and multilevel evaluation methods to employee selection, and provides a model with simple calculation and high accuracy for human resource management.
Two methods, quick operation and simple calculation, of grinding wheel static balance are treated. They are both characterized by simplicity and quickness, with rather high accuracy and efficiency.
The engineering calculation formula is with a high accuracy and is useful for the design, production and test of the positioning rubber components of the axle box.
By practically calculating and experimentally testing, the accuracy of the calculating formulas are very high, and it can be used in designing calculation of plate freezer also.
In accordance with the mechanism of its reducing water impact pressure, a calculation formula for the gas tank volume is deduced, which is proved to have high accuracy through verification tests.
The calculation shows a high accuracy while the error is low than 1% in thermodynamic properties and 4% in thermophysical properties.
计算关联式具有较高的精度,热力学参数计算误差小于1% ,迁移特性参数误差小于4 %。
The calculation shows a high accuracy: the error is less than 1% in thermodynamic properties and 4% in thermophysical properties.
计算关联式具有较高的精度,热力学参数计算误差小于1 %,迁移特性参数误差小于4%。
Example with survey data and compare with BP both showed that the GRNN model makes an effective way to forecast multi-point deformation with rapid calculation and high accuracy.
In this paper, some questions, such as the accuracy, application and so on, of high order finite element in magnetic field calculation are discussed.
The high accuracy method developed herein has an advantage of fewer calculation and storage over the former high accuracy methods, and no overshoot.
The results showed that: In this paper, a simple calculation and high accuracy.
The accuracy of calculation is high enough for practical purposes.
Case calculation shows that the equation has high predicting accuracy and is an important reference for predicting productivity of horizontal Wells in low permeable oil fields.
Calculation using practical seismic events shows the topologic prognostic model can yield fairly high accuracy which might be applied into the prognostics of future seismic risks in the said areas.
This method is characterized by faster in calculation, thinking over the diffraction and shelter from edge, and high accuracy.
Compared with the CDEGS, the calculation has high accuracy and the program can run steadily.
The software is designed precisely and skillfully in accordance with the characteristics of 8 bit microcomputer, so both good calculation accuracy and high measurement speed are obtained.
It is also shown that the exact transfer matrix method has the advantages of simple calculation, high accuracy and easy programming.
Results show that this method has high accuracy even for very large time-step sizes, and possesses excellent long-time numerical calculation behavior.
The designed instances show that the program has considerably high accuracy for design calculation of rotary drum vacuum filter processing compressible material.
The designed instances show that the program has considerably high accuracy for design calculation of rotary drum vacuum filter processing compressible material.