The fuels which are burned in the furnace are selected for their high calorific value, and give the maximum amount of heat.
Australian coal is a high grade coal sort, boasting high volatile matter content, high calorific value, and low ash content.
At present the demand for high calorific value and little pollution petroleum is the biggest in the energy consumption pattern.
Slurry which is produced during the coal washing process, has high calorific value, but contains a lot of hazardous substances;
New volume of high-density fuel with high calorific value, density, low temperature and good nature, in the field of aerospace has a broad application value.
Hydrogen can replace acetylene, gas, liquefied petroleum gases such as carbon, with high calorific value, flame concentration, zero pollution, high efficiency, energy saving and easy.
This paper introduces the characteristics, reserves, productivity, consumption and perspective of high calorific value gas fuel, and introduces the nature gas, the coal bed gas and the gas-hydrate.
Therefore, sawdust, as a pore-forming agent, can prepare sintered product with light weight, high strength and high porosity due to calorific value and loss of sawdust.
Stevia as a natural sweetener of high sweetness low calorific value is widely used in food, beverage, pharmaceutical, tobacco, cosmetics, liqueurs, toothpaste, spices, salt and manufactured products.
The furnace of coal gas calorific value high thoroughly dry distillation under section gas excluding, tar.
Double section gas occurrence boiler gasification efficiency and thermal efficiency than single sections of furnace are high, there is two gas exports, and output of gas calorific value of different.
Sometimes the oxygen and steam in high-pressure blowing pressure, the gas furnace calorific value of the higher income.
The calorific value of the molding blocks were tested with ZDWH-8 automatic high precision computer calorimeter.
用ZDWH - 8型高精度微机全自动量热仪,对成型块的热值进行了测试。
The calorific value of the molding blocks were tested with ZDWH-8 automatic high precision computer calorimeter.
用ZDWH - 8型高精度微机全自动量热仪,对成型块的热值进行了测试。