Figure 1 shows a high-level overview of the IFMD forms application development and runtime life cycle. The steps are as follows.
Apart from establishing the decision rights and managing the SOA life cycle, this scenario also focuses on defining high-value business services and measuring their effectiveness at run time.
The worst hit businesses are those with extended supply chains, short life cycle products or high cost, lightweight goods such as electronics and pharmaceuticals.
Directional plans are preferred over specific plans when uncertainty is high and when the organization is in the formative and the decline stages of its life cycle.
The probability fatigue life - span of pressure vessel under the action of different cycle load is closely related to the cycle load with high stress.
The use of advanced core, increase the life cycle, in order to achieve high security and economy of the dual objectives.
Rapid hard tooling has more and more advantage during the individuation wave of the auto production for its short cycle, low cost, high quality and long life.
Li battery have the good features of small size, high power density, no memory effect, long cycle life, high voltage and low self-discharge.
But for the specimens of high cycle fatigue damaged, the annealing can not increase the total life.
The factor of life scatter is used for depicting the dispersibility of fatigue strength in low cycle fatigue, but in high cycle fatigue is the fatigue strength reduction factor.
Simulation test also shows, car body in 30 years prototype life cycle won't appear oxidation rust, and can be used, high salt and other special wet natural environment.
But increasingly scientists have put the blame on people, who exacerbated a problem caused by the life -cycle of the high altitude bamboo that is the panda 's staple diet.
The fretting fatigue life under complex loads monotonously decreases with the increase of the high cycle load while the low cycle loads keep constant.
Energy-balanced dynamic power route protocol solves the problems caused by flooding based protocol. It balances node energy consumption and prolongs network life cycle, while remains high reliability.
Conclusion N18 may take a place in scanning SARS patients in high risk population, studying the life cycle of SARS CoV and mechanism of SARS or development of anti SARS CoV drugs.
High temperature low cycle fatigue (HLF) life prediction models have great significance for design of high temperature structure under cycLic loading.
Experimental results emphasize the influence of high-cycle loads to the fatigue life.
Compared with common tomato, its small size enables it to grow at a high density, and it has a short life cycle and can be transformed efficiently.
This new type master controller features short production cycle, long service life, high unification as well as light weight and so on.
In other words, the corporate culture with high achievements is able to adapt to enterprise management environment and its life cycle.
Although the planar double-enveloping worm gearing has advantages of high transmission efficiency, excellent load capacity, long life cycle and so on, it has been used in a limited way.
Based on the analysis above, combined with the characteristics of high-tech enterprise life cycle, partitioning the growth into three: start-up stage, growing and maturing stages.
The results show that the crack growth rate under high-low cycle complex fatigue load is greater than that under low cycle fatigue load, and so the fatigue life is obviously reduced.
The individual cycle-strain hysteresis loops were recorded, and the cycling response and high temperature low cycle fatigue life were obtained.
With Regard to high cost of bridge maintenance currently, a modified bridge design theory which is based on the life cycle cost has attracted increasing attention gradually.
After study the high-tech enterprise and the product, we find that the product life cycle of the high-tech enterprise is short; it is difficult to forecast demand; the product shortage cost is high.
This article also studies the high tech enterprise's brand on the angle of brand life cycle; hope to provide help to the enterprise's international advertising strategy.
Based on the orthogonal test design, this paper studied the effect of low cycle stress, high-low cycle stress ratio , high cycle number and high cycle frequency on complex fatigue life.
Flywheel battery is a novel energy storage device which has many advantages: high specific energy and specific power, volume small, fast charge, long cycle life, non-pollution and so on.
Results of evaluations to date indicate that the number of cycle life attains standard target of 200 times, which reflect good high temperature performance.