Drying is a high energy-consuming industry in refined salt industrial production.
At present its synthetic technology has such problems as long reaction time, high energy-consuming, and wastewater.
Cement industry has been a high pollution, high energy-consuming industry as well as a large carbon dioxide emitter.
As the price of energy rises constantly, the high energy-consuming iron and steel industries undertake more market competition pressure.
Second, , healthy urban development is challenged by unhealthy, high energy-consuming, and over-consuming western urban attitudes and lifestyles.
The existing retorting technology can not exploit the oil shale properly for it can cause pollution to the environment and it is high energy-consuming.
On the restriction of metals exports, the mission says China took measures to meet domestic regulations on high polluting, high energy-consuming resource products.
Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, said the price rise will make high energy-consuming companies reduce production.
Due to its features of open-eyesight and good-perspective, the point-supported glass curtain wall system is popularly applied in public buildings, but it also has the flaw of high energy-consuming.
We have already closed down many of the old and high energy consuming factories, That is to say, the easier part is done.
Optimizing continuous casting planning is one of the important ways to get high production rate and reduce the energy consuming.
The Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) takes an important role in the blast furnace dust removing devices of the steelworks for its high efficiency, low energy consuming and steady performance.
The high-voltage energy-saving submersible motors are developed for solving such problems as high electric quantity and high oil recovery costs consuming during working process of electric pump wells.
It has many advantages such as less energy-consuming, high efficiency and low noises.
Their maneuvering and control systems are made up of several propellers. This system has many disadvantages such as big volume, high consuming of energy, low total efficiency , high noise and vortex.
Although conventional chemical degumming processes can remove most gum from bast fibers, they are usually time - and energy-consuming, high-cost and causing pollution to the environment.
Compared with classical approach, acid active preparation has many merits such as high product and resource using rate, low energy consuming and easy manipulating.
The thermal power plant's energy consuming is high. At the same time it has great potentiality to save energy.
There are some problems in the chemical industry, such as high pollution, high energy consuming and wasted.
As a perfect vehicle on land, high Speed Maglev vehicle (HSMV) is characterized by high velocity, less energy consuming, lower noise, safety and comfort etc.
These high-energy is closely related to the rapid growth of energy-consuming industries, so that from 2003 to 2007 5 years, China's energy consumption in total close to double-digit growth.
These high-energy is closely related to the rapid growth of energy-consuming industries, so that from 2003 to 2007 5 years, China's energy consumption in total close to double-digit growth.