In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn't affect her.
Ngau Tau styling and appearance of High Fashion. High places suit.
The concept of high fashion coming down to affordable levels is potentially good.
These handcrafted high fashion decorative pillows add texture and style to any space.
But as Edward Steichen in High Fashion proves, his pictures retain their power to please.
Russian consumers consider Dior, Dolce &Gabbana and Giorgio Armani the most "high fashion" brands
What we can't help wondering is what these high fashion images say about women's place in the world.
Use: this product is used in sweaters tricots, weaving, embroidery, high fashion and other clothes.
In turn, the followers of high fashion have had no choice but to follow the season's new fashion.But no more.
The 30-second ad uses only products that are "Made in China", from running shoes, high fashion, to even air planes.
He was the first Western couturier to turn to Japan as a high fashion market in the late 1950s and later China in 1975.
As a global market leader in high fashion, we manufacture and distribute men's and women's wear as well as accessories.
One Italian designer puts the confusion down to a world-wide reaction to the globalization of high fashion over the last ten years.
As the price of high fashion and luxury continues to climb, so designers are upping the DE luxe factor in every aspect of a garment.
With more than 70 percent of Iran's 73 million people under the age of 35, there is a huge demographic demand for high fashion.
It's no secret that China has been gobbling up a bigger share of the world's jewelry, luxury handbags, high fashion and watches.
High fashion accounted for only a fraction of that, but top-end, trend-setting design sits at the heart of the broader retail market.
If you have a talent for taking beautiful portraits, landscape scenes or high fashion shots, a career in photography might be perfect for you.
Many of the latest versions, by contrast, go well beyond their menswear origins and cross the tricky border from wardrobe essential into high fashion.
There is a wide range of products for which mature models are needed such as the travel industry, health care, pharmaceuticals, and even high fashion.
Reality TV World: During the camel photo shoot, you told Jay you really want to be a high fashion model but that a lot of it just doesn't work for you.
It is a shrine to Hollywood's elite and it comes with all the trappings -- music, sound bites, high fashion, paparazzi, applause, a red carpet and Joan Rivers.
Without doubt, Shanghai takes first place, as it has more luxury brands than any other city. There are numerous luxury shopping malls, and many high fashion districts.
Journalist Amanda Platell commented that it is a pattern that has become more noticable in recent years, with high fashion becoming more accessible on the high street .
Then the London Sunday Times, usually a forum for bloody foreign reporting or high fashion, began commissioning short fiction of its own from such authors as Lionel Shriver and Ben Okri.
We choose the high quality stainless steel carefully, fitting the brand small hardware, high fashion design, the function very steady and reliable, high efficiency, operate conveniently.
Contemporary footwear varies in style, complexity and cost, from the most basic sandals to high fashion shoes. This post showcases unusual footwear and creative shoe designs from all over the world.
Contemporary footwear varies in style, complexity and cost, from the most basic sandals to high fashion shoes. This post showcases unusual footwear and creative shoe designs from all over the world.