Negative events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage.
The life of senior high school is on the way.
A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.
In contrast, Italy and Greece, which rank low on life satisfaction, rank high on expectations for the year to come, together with Swedes and Finns.
But what is for sure is that scoring high on indexes of prosperity and quality of life doesn't carry much store with the rich.
On the tactical side, the system could reduce logistics and the potential loss of life associated with high risk fuel transport operations.
When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision of new life on Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world.
Apart from establishing the decision rights and managing the SOA life cycle, this scenario also focuses on defining high-value business services and measuring their effectiveness at run time.
But most people have never heard of space weather, which is a problem, because both high and low solar activity have serious effects on life on Earth.
Families used to living on huge bonus income are unable to continue with the commitments they have taken on-housing and school fees and the cost of living the high life.
Then there is the strain on African health systems imposed by the high burden of life-threatening communicable diseases coupled with increasing rates of noncommunicable diseases.
Researchers at England’s University of Saint Andrews say that photosynthetic life on such a planet might end up as a drab black or gray. Or even with a high SPF.
英国圣安德鲁大学的研究人员表示,在这样的行星上, 植物的光合作用结果只会是呈单调的黑色或者灰色, 甚至是更深的颜色.
Dying patients understandably place a high value on life, so they are willing to pay more for treatment.
Ten years ago I was nerdy, high school senior about to embark on a new chapter in my life.
Xerox thinks it has hit on something big to breathe life into the ailing market for high-volume office printers: it's called color.
I had been a TV producer in my past life, "he said," so I was used to high-pressure deadline situations, where you just totally focus on making all these little decisions in front of you.
People tell Sully that his success on Jan. 15 showed a high regard for life.
So he sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the African continent, searching unsuccessfully for the gleaming gems that brought such high prices on the markets of the world.
The one has devoted his life to his country here below, the other to his country on high; that is the only difference.
Previous research has shown that women who pack on too many pounds during pregnancy increase their chances of having high birth-weight babies who become overweight or obese later in life, she says.
Black men, on the other hand, bucked the trend and reached a record-high life expectancy of 70.2 years in 2008, up by 0.2 years compared to 2007.
Life is a steep climb, and it does the heart good to have somebody "call back" and cheerily beckon us on up the high hill.
When we see the goal of high, the more to sing on stage in life low-key.
When we see the goal of high, the more to sing on stage in life low-key.